General Assembly: GA Presentations: Presenter views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the UUA.

General Assembly 2014 Online

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the association through democratic process. General Assembly 2014 (June 25-29) in Providence, RI, helped our association live into a future where our “Love Reaches Out” to share our faith both within and beyond our congregations’ walls.

UU World Coverage

UU World provided timely reports and articles on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. Follow @UUWorld on Twitter for up-to-the-minute news during major UU events.

Video, Audio, and Transcripts

General Assembly coverage includes on-demand video of major events, and handouts or other presentation materials for workshops.

Captions were created during live events, and contain some errors. Captioning is not available for some copyrighted material.

For reference, you may still download the full GA 2014 Program (PDF, 144 pages).

Ware Lecture

  • Ware Lecture with Sister Simone Campbell
    Video and Transcript

Public Witness

Worship & Music

Association Business & Social Witness

For annual reports and social justice statements, go to GA 2014 Business & Social Witness.

Audio Content

Audio recordings of GA programs will be available for purchase as CDs or downloadable files. Every GA 2014 registrant has access to listen to or download all of the 2014 audio content at no charge.

Workshop Materials

Video is available for some workshops and presentations, and organizers may submit slides or other materials for inclusion on Workshops at GA 2014.

WaterFire is a downtown Providence riverfront community arts festival whose signature feature is braziers lit on the river.

Unitarian Universalists showed the Providence WaterFire festival that #LoveReachesOut.
Watch Video

Thousands of people gathered for the 2014 Service of the Living Tradition in Providence, RI.

Thousands gathered for the Service of the Living Tradition.
Watch Video

Logo: General Assembly coverage,

UU World provided timely reports on their GA Blog, illustrated by some striking selections from their Photostream on Flickr. Follow @UUWorld on Twitter for up-to-the-minute news during major UU events.
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