Addictions Ministry
"Craving...[is] the equivalent on a low level of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness..."—Carl Jung in a letter to Bill Wilson, Co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous
Addictions present many challenges. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) recognizes that our faith provides strength and comfort with which to meet those challenges. The Addictions Ministry offers resources and information to support reflection and transparency, and to help those with addictions, their families, and their communities along the path to recovery. The Addictions Ministry Team:
- holds the vision and maintains the support for Addictions Ministry
- calls on leaders and faith communities to better understand and respond to the toll that addictions take
- acknowledges that the spiritual growth and search for truth outlined in our Unitarian Universalist (UU) Sources and Seven Principles can help us meet the challenge of addictions.
Visit the Addictions Ministry website for more information and resources.
The Safer Congregations Pages includes resources for dealing with disruptive behaviors, developing covenants, creating safe congregation policies, and a process for reporting professional misconduct.
Subscribe to the Addictions-Ministry Email List, Sharing information, ideas, resources, and encouragement with Unitarian Universalists interested in the challenges and effects of addiction within our congregations and in the larger society.