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Displaying 1 - 10 of 112.
Pacific Western Region's Congregational life staff will offer: Launch: Collaborative Virtual Board Retreat - select your date in August or September. Registration open now, details below. Over the fall, a choose your own adventure series of leadership tools and conversations around best practices...
August 29, 2022 | From Pacific Western Region -
Dear Unitarian Universalists of the Pacific Western Region: As we prepare to go into Regional Assembly in the next few days, and as I prepare to go on my sabbatical for 14 weeks starting March 4th, I thought now would be a good time to offer a State of the Region report....
January 28, 2022 | From Pacific Western Region -
See who's presenting at the 2022 Pacific Western Regional Assembly Reflect, Rejoice, Renew, gathering online February 4-6, 2022.
Conference | January 13, 2022 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions -
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Conference | January 12, 2022 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions -
Contribute to Regional Assembly
Conference | December 20, 2021 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions -
In this 3-part series for budding and experienced leaders, participating will ground you in your own spiritual soil, acknowledge roots, discern flowers, find abundance, and preserve seeds to keep the harvest going.
December 6, 2021 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: Leadership Development -
Regional Assembly 2022 Reflect Rejoice Renew Friday, February 4, 2022 11 a.m. through Sunday, February 6, noon.
Conference | November 11, 2021 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions -
Many parents and teens turn first to their Religious Educators for pastoral care, being prepared to receive those conversations is the focus of this series.
Training | July 26, 2021 | From Pacific Western Region -
Multigenerational drop In spaces with monthly themes and guest youth and adult hosts: Youth Advising, Leadership, Worship Arts, Pastoral Care, Justice, and Multicultural Transformation.
Training | July 26, 2021 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: Activism, High School-Aged Youth Faith Development, Models of Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry -
Meet new friends and old as UUs from across the west for Reflect, Rejoice, Renew: all ages gathering February 4-6, San Diego.
Conference | July 23, 2021 | From Pacific Western RegionTagged as: UUA Districts & Regions