Congregational Certification

All member congregations are required to complete an annual Certification of Membership report (Rule 3.5.1. Required Annual Report).

This process is used to report congregations' official membership numbers and financial statistics. Some of this information will be used to determine both the number of member delegates allowed at General Assembly (GA) and the Annual Program Fund (APF) Fair Share contributions to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). It also serves to update congregation information for the UUA Directory.

All congregations must have filed for certification by 5 p.m. PST on February 5, in order to be certified for GA. Only certified congregations may send voting delegates to the General Assembly.

To be certified for General Assembly, a congregation must have:

  • Filed for certification by February 5, 2024;
  • Conducted regular religious services;
  • Held at least one business meeting of its members, elected its own officers and maintained adequate records of membership;
  • Made a financial contribution to the Association during the prior fiscal year (July 1 and June 30).

Check your congregation's certification status and its reported membership number.

Update member and lay leader information, certify membership numbers, and designate delegates for General Assembly using the Data Services System . For more information about congregation certification, please contact Data Services at, (617) 948-4654.

UUA Governance officers look on as the Parliamentarian and Legal Consul consult at a stage-side table

UUA Executive VP Carey McDonald and Co-Moderator Mr. Barb Greve consult with the GA Parliamentarian and Legal Counsel.

Delegates hold their yellow voting cards aloft.

Delegates voting at the 2013 General Assembly in Louisville, KY