Climate Change Religious Education Curriculum
Climate change is a confusing topic, not to mention terrifying. It often feels more about problems than solutions, which makes it easy to push to the sidelines as “something scientists can deal with.” This course aims to give participants a solid understanding of the facts behind climate change, an appreciation of the earth, and tools to find solutions on a range of scales.
The issue is truly a global one, so it must be addressed by people working together all over the world. For this reason the curriculum has been developed by the Unitarian Universalist Office at the United Nations (UU@UN), and many of the solutions discussed are from the UN. We gratefully acknowledge the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Tapestry of Faith program "World of Wonder" for stories in sessions one and five.
- Teaching Guide
- Lesson One: Climate Change and Religion
- Lesson Two: Changing Food Supply
- Lesson Three: Human Health and Climate Change
- Lesson Four: Natural Hazards
- Lesson Five: Energy
- Lesson Six: Tragedy of the Commons
- About the Author and Background
- Appendices