GA 2023 Wrap Up
General Assembly 2023 is now over and most of us have or are in the process of returning from Pittsburgh, PA to our homes, or have turned off our computers and turned to other activities at home. We wanted to give you a quick update on what happened and where you can find more details.
Several worship events are also available online for the general public. The links below will take you to the pages for these events:
Do note the Ware Lecture and workshops are only available to those who were registered for General Assembly as an onsite or offsite attendee.
If you missed any of the general business sessions you can find them on the UUA website as videos. Each day's video has a listing of the activities that occurred in that session. Access the list of business sessions.
You can watch the final President's Report by Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as well.
In other business news:
- Rev. Sofía Betancourt was elected to be our president for the next 6 years with 95.5% of the vote.
- Article II was passed with some amendments and is now set for another year of study before the final vote at GA 2024. Some materials are already available for congregations to use, you can find them on the UUA website at the New Article II Congregational Resources from the Field. Additional materials will be coming, so stay tuned.
- The Business Resolution: Complete Divestment from the Fossil Fuel Industry and Subsequent Reparations did not pass.
- All three AIWs that were advanced to the floor were passed.
The full summary of all the business including links to PDFs of the final documents and texts can be found on the UUA's Business at General Assembly 2023 page.
General Assembly 2024 will be fully virtual, and General Assembly 2025 will be in Baltimore, MD.