Good Friday, also known as "Holy Friday," is the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. It is celebrated traditionally as the day on which Jesus was crucified. Many Christian churches celebrate Good Friday with a subdued service, usually in the evening, in which the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus is remembered with solemn hymns, prayers of thanksgiving, an invitation to reflect on suffering of many kinds, and observance of the Lord's Supper (communion).

Unitarian Universalist Perspectives

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  • Every day offers us, yet again, the chance to experience our own Divinity and spiritual Transformation.
    Affirmation | By Paul Stephan Dodenhoff | November 17, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Easter, Good Friday, Unitarian Universalism
  • Jesus had no political power. He lived his whole life in the shadow of the Roman empire, and that empire killed him. Yet Jesus healed the sick, he listened, he moved among the ordinary people, in the lowly places.
    Reflection | By Myke Johnson | April 8, 2020 | From Braver/Wiser
    Tagged as: #COVID19, 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Calling, Caring, Christianity, Democracy, Easter, Evil, Good Friday, Healing, Hope, Power, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Responsibility
  • We all take part in this ancient play. At some time. There is no other way. At some time… Thieves, guilty of poor choices caught red-handed in our human reality. One points at the other and says, “You: save me.” The other bows his head. “I accept responsibility. The mistakes I’ve made are...
    Meditation | By Rebecca Bryan | June 18, 2018 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Brokenness, Christianity, Death, Good Friday, Grief, Humanism, Responsibility
  • One: Despair is sapping our spirits, damaging our souls, hurting our hearts. Many: We need to be resurrected into hope, faith, and trust. Today, may we be resurrected. One: Violence is shortening our lives and robbing us of our joy. Many: We need to be resurrected into peace and its many blessings.
    Responsive Reading | By Amanda Udis-Kessler | September 12, 2017 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Brokenness, Despair, Direct Experience, Failure, Good Friday, Grace, Hope, Redemption, Salvation
  • The light green shoots of blossoms-to-have-been are out of sight under the drifting snow. Gale force winds are rattling the old house. The temperature is far below freezing. Nature is not cooperating with preparations for Easter. The storm evokes the spiritual quality of Good Friday more than...
    Meditation | By Robert Walsh | January 10, 2016 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Choice, Despair, Easter, Good Friday, Healing, Hope, Justice, Living Our Faith, Love, Peace, Spring, Unitarian Universalism, Winter
  • Spirit of life and death, Thou who art as present to us in our suffering As in our wellbeing, Abide with us in this permeable time Between dusk and dark. Soothe the secret pains we carry. Bless us with the courage to move toward our grief And not away. When all is hidden— When we find ourselves...
    Prayer | By Celie Katovitch | June 12, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Brokenness, Christianity, Direct Experience, Doubt, Faith, God, Good Friday, Grief, Hope, Mourning, Shadow, WorshipWeb
  • The Good Fridays of our lives come unbidden and unexpected Bringing the winter of despair and the death of dreams and hope Only love has the power to mend what has been broken A love that brings healing to our wounds A love that offers hope when we have none A love that creates unity where there ...
    Closing | By Andrew Pakula | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Good Friday
  • Once upon a time, a girl named Ramona and a boy named Roberto had a wonderful dog. They named the dog Feliz because he was so happy when they came home from school each day. He bounded toward them, barking and tail wagging madly. His sandy brown coat was sort of wavy around the shoulders but...
    Reading | By Heather Lynn Hanson | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Easter, Good Friday, Grief, Love
  • I was working with a group of young people at a Safe Schools conference in Boston. They were discussing how to tell their parents they were gay or lesbian. Many of them had suffered harassment, brutality, and ostracism by their peers, and they worried about how to protect their parents from the...
    Reading | By Elizabeth Tarbox | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Christianity, Family, Good Friday, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Unitarian Universalism