Living Tradition Fund
Give to Living Tradition Fund
Provide financial assistance to seminarians, religious professionals, congregational staff, ministers and retired ministers, and their loved ones.
The 1988 General Assembly established the Living Tradition Fund and requested that "Ordination and Installation Services held in member societies include an offering" to the fund. Over the years, that request has become a tradition among us.
Income for the fund comes from individual gifts, offerings at Installations, Ordinations and other milestone occasions, and from two services at General Assembly—the Ministers Association worship service during Professional Days, and the Service of the Living Tradition.
The Living Tradition Fund provides three types of support for ministry:
- need-based scholarships for theological students who are in Aspirant or Candidate Status in the UUA Credentialing Program;
- new minister assistance to reduce the burden of high educational debt and repayment;
- emergency assistance grants to ministers, religious professionals, other congregational staff, retired ministers and their loved ones.
The generosity of individuals, congregations and districts helps to strengthen and support our professional ministry by keeping this important resource available.
Ways You or Your Congregation Can Make a Contribution
- Make an online credit card donation through the UUA's secure website
- Give stock and mutual fund shares
- Call our toll free phone: (888) 792-5885
Send checks payable to the "Unitarian Universalist Association" with "Living Tradition Fund" in the memo line to:
Unitarian Universalist Association
Attn: Gift Processing
24 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA 02210-1409
For additional information on the Living Tradition Fund and other ministerial aid funds please contact:
Office of Church Staff Finances
24 Farnsworth Street, Boston, MA 02210