Tapestry of Faith: Curricula and Resources for Lifespan Faith Development

Tapestry of Faith Multigenerational Programs

Animal sanctuary volunteers feed a horse.
Multigenerational guitar circle.

Multigenerational Ministry
Stories, activities, and entire curricula from the Tapestry of Faith multigenerational series can make all aspects of congregational life more inclusive of all ages and stages.

By Chris Jablonski, Susan Lawrence, Adrianne Ross, and Miriam Smith; Developmental Editors: Judith A. Frediani and Jessica York

This eight-session program, designed for a wide age span of children, provides a prolonged encounter with awe and wonder with frequent opportunities for scientific exploration. Through stories from our Unitarian Universalist Sources and hands-on activities, children engage in defining and discerning the miraculous and discover their own agency for miracle-making.

Circle of Trees
By Julie Simon and Pat Kahn; Developmental Editor: Judith A. Frediani

Circle of Trees is a multigenerational program of eight workshops that nurture deep connection with trees, nature, and all of earth’s living creatures. The program uses trees as an entry point to understand and connect with life on earth. Across many cultures, trees are recognized as a symbol for life on earth—for example, the biblical Tree of Life.

Gather the Spirit
By Richard S. Kimball and Christine T. Rafal, Ed.D.

This program is an eight-session, multigenerational program that teaches stewardship with a focus on water. Stewardship can take many forms: donating money to our congregations and to causes we care about; volunteering to teach, to lead or to physically maintain our congregations; helping to meet the needs of others and protecting our shared resources in our local and global communities.

Wisdom from the Hebrew Scriptures
By Rev. Thomas R. Schade and Gail Forsyth-Vail

This program offers multigenerational workshops based on eight stories from the Hebrew scriptures. Some of these stories are well-known and others less so. Some have been told to children in Sunday school classes and Hebrew school for generations; others will be unknown even to some adults. Some of those narratives fit well with contemporary Unitarian Universalist values and others are more challenging in both the theology and the values expressed. All of these stories offer wisdom that can help people of all ages growth in spiritual depth and understanding.

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