Unitarian Universalists use different terms for the words that begin a worship service, including call to worshipinvocation, and opening words. These words invite the congregation from their separate lives and to the common place and time of the worship hour.

(In Unitarian Universalist worship if there are Opening Words there is generally not an Invocation, and vice versa.)

Search Words for Worship Services

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 484

  • We pause on this night of mystery, to tell the stories, to sing the songs, and to bring more light into the world.
    Chalice Lighting | By Linda Hart | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Christmas Eve / Christmas, Mystery, Peace, Personal Stories, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Pause here, and be renewed and restored.
    Opening | By Linda Hart | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Advent, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Journey, Self-Care, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We light this chalice, here in the darkness of winter as we wait.
    Chalice Lighting | By JeKaren Olaoya | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Advent, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Earth, Earth-Centered, Nature, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We light this chalice, so that by its light we may read ALL the books…
    Chalice Lighting | By Julie Conrady | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Holy flame of times past, brighten this present moment…
    Chalice Lighting | By Tracy Johnson | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Courage, Freedom, Generations, Reason, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Illuminate our hearts and the spaces between them in this Sacred Time of unfolding.
    Chalice Lighting | By Tracy Johnson | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Love, Wisdom, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • There is room here for each and every one. Come in. Be among us.
    Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Caring, Community, Hospitality, Inclusion, Searching, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Let us open all our senses and let our synapses spark one connection after another.
    Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Birth, Child Dedication, Children, Connections, Joy, Playfulness, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Welcome, all who seek renewal in a weary world.
    Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 11, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Community, Connections, Friendship, Generations, Hope, Interdependence, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • What if sometimes it’s about sparking potential into possibility, and possibility into existence?
    Chalice Lighting | By Lisa Doege | November 17, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Beginnings, Hope, Journey, Justice, Love, Peace, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • “Verily with hardship comes ease...” (Quran; 94:5-6)
    Chalice Lighting | By Summer Albayati | November 16, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Compassion, Hope, Islam, Justice, Oppression, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • God, Your creation is not yet done creating you.
    Opening | By Gretchen Haley | July 24, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: God, Goddess, Imagination, Immanence, Playfulness
  • This chalice is for the living, the changing, the becoming.
    Chalice Lighting | By Li Kynvi | March 15, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Growth, Identity, Living Our Faith, Transformation, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • May we know ourselves as vessels of infinite possibility
    Opening | By Leah Ongiri | March 10, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Growth, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Spirituality, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We gather this morning as one community
    Chalice Lighting | By Adam Slate | March 9, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Community, Connections, Individualism, Unity, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We shall all be free.
    Chalice Lighting | By Adam Slate | March 9, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 6th Principle (World Community), Freedom, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Vision, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We need places where we can come and find our grounding once again.
    Opening | By Heather Rion Starr | January 6, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Balance, Contemplation, Presence, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Darkness is as important as light.
    Opening | By Jo VonRue | December 27, 2022 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Advent, Direct Experience, Imagination, Nature, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • Speaking from the heart can turn an ordinary meeting into a rewarding one.
    Chalice Lighting | By Ben Ogilvie | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Business Meetings, Connections, Covenant, Relationships, Teamwork, Unitarian Universalism, Work, WorshipWeb, Worship
  • We kindle this flame (hold arms together in a chalice shape and wiggle fingers) to honor the heart of a Unitarian Universalist (hold hands together in a heart shape) Someone who shows strength (flex both arms in a strong motion) Someone who lends a helping hand (flip one hand, palm facing outward...
    Chalice Lighting | By Adena Dannouf | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Children's / Religious Education Sunday, Children's Sabbath, WorshipWeb, Worship