Organizing Strategy and Justice Resources
Meet the Organizing Strategy Team
Our world faces extreme threats to human rights and dignity, the sustainability of our environment, the democratic process, and more. The Unitarian Universalist Association commits to working for justice and dismantling white supremacy across multiple issues. Our work is deeply informed by and narrated through both liberatory theology and a critical analysis of the political moment, grounded in prophetic faith. We work in solidarity with those suffering from and on the front lines of disrupting white supremacy.
To provide strategic, theologically-rooted leadership for our intersectional justice work, the UUA created the Organizing Strategy Team (OST) in 2018. The OST’s role is to be the leader of the Association’s outward-facing justice work and to help shape the internal spiritual-political commitments of the Association.
Our Priorities
Under the banner of Side With Love, the OST’s work is guided by the UUA’s four Intersectional Justice Priorities and expressed through four intersecting issue-area campaigns:
- Create Climate Justice organizes for a future with no fossil fuels where clean energy is a human right and all communities thrive. We do this by following BIPOC leadership, decarbonizing relationships, and engaging in transformative actions.
- UPLIFT Action organizes for bodily autonomy for all people in connection with movements for LGBTQ, Gender, & Reproductive Justice.
- Love Resists is our joint anti-criminalization campaign, in partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. The work of Love Resists includes racial justice, immigrant justice, the criminalization of poverty, and (increasingly) the criminalization of gender and reproductive health care.
- UU the Vote focuses on democracy, voting rights, voter mobilization, election defense, and electoral justice.
Our Approach
As a part of the ecosystem of Unitarian Universalism and broader Movement, the OST works with UU individuals, congregations, and organizations to:
- GROUND: Provide political education and theological grounding that equips UUs to make meaning of current and historical contexts, identify their connection to and role in broader work for justice, and discern inroads for action and leadership
- GROW: Support UUs in acting prophetically in the short term while building the capacity of their justice work for the long term, including nurturing the development of concrete skills and leadership
- ACT: Facilitate opportunities for UUs to mobilize and leverage human, financial, and infrastructural resources in service of and in solidarity with local, national, and international movements for justice and liberationStay informed and engage!
Campaigns and Resources
- Side with Love Action Center Guide
- UU the Vote Guide
- Climate Disaster Preparedness Guide for UUs
- Organizing School Video Library
- UU the Vote Skill Up Library
- Uplift Action Congregational Reproductive Justice Action Guide
- Green Sanctuary 2030
Stay Connected
Sign up for news, events, and action opportunities on the issue(s) of your choice. Follow Side with Love on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or follow the UUA on Facebook. For more information contact