The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds greeted him by waving palm branches and covering his path with them. The biblical account of Palm Sunday can be found in Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19.

Unitarian Universalist Perspectives

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  • Today we walk toward the dayspring breaking through, the Easter day of joy.
    Opening | By Daniel Chesney Kanter | February 17, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Brokenness, Change, Christianity, Hope, Joy, Palm Sunday, Power, Unitarian Universalism
  • Thou who art the soul and heart of life, save us from fear—the fear of days and nights yet to be, the fear of the known and the unknown, the fear that builds high walls around our spirits and our lives, the fear that closes in and envelops us, the fear that nibbles at the edges of every...
    Meditation | By David A Johnson | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Christianity, Compassion, Courage, Despair, Discernment, Doubt, Faith, Fear, Freedom, Hope, Palm Sunday, Salvation
  • Palm Sunday is found: whenever we are serving a noble and unpopular cause with selfless devotion, holding to the ideals of truth and justice; whenever we are seeking to uplift the fallen, to comfort the brokenhearted, to strengthen and encourage the weak and hopeless; whenever we are working brav...
    Meditation | By David O. Rankin | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Palm Sunday
  • Leader: Every endeavor begins with a first step, and encounters darkness and difficulty along the way. Response: We know the darkness of ignorance, of fear, and of tyranny. Leader: Yet we know the dawning of the light, the beginnings of hope, and the renewal of life....
    Chalice Lighting | By Charles F Flagg | January 21, 2015 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Beginnings, Challenge, Courage, Discernment, Doubt, Faith, Fear, Hope, Journey, Palm Sunday, Power