Poor People's Campaign
ASSOCIATION URGES support of the Poor People's Campaign of the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference and endorses the following legislative goals
sought by the Poor People's Campaign:
- Meaningful jobs at adequate pay scales in both public and private sectors for the unemployed and the under-employed, with the government to be employer of last resort, and effective enforcement of anti-discrimination statutes;
- A system of income maintenance, including a guaranteed minimum income for all, and family allowances modeled after the Canadian program;
- Welfare payments brought up to realistically defined minimum levels, with punitive and family-disruptive qualifications rescinded;
- Redoubled efforts at school desegregation and provision of quality education for all Americans from kindergarten through college;
- A massive program of building and renovation to provide decent housing, both for the poor and for those on minimum income;
- Adequate medical and dental care for all Americans to be implemented by a program of national health insurance;
- Reform of the law enforcement and judicial system to eliminate all forms of discrimination against minority-group persons and those in poverty;
- Eliminate subsidies to farmers for non-production of crops and increase government distribution of surplus food to the hungry.