Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and Boy Scouts of America (BSA) encourage their members to earn a religious recognition. Guidelines for working toward a religious recognition in scouting are developed by religious organizations.
Girl Scouts
Religion in Life for Girl Scouts, available online at no charge, includes a program for younger girls and a program for older girls developed by UUA staff. The page, Girl Scouts and Faith, on the GSUSA website explains how religious recognition programs fit into Girl Scouting.
Boy Scout
Religion in Life for Scouts BSA (PDF) was recently updated by the UUA Faith Development Office and is available at no charge online. For Cub Scouts and Webelos, Love and Help , a program in Unitarian Universalist identity for 7- to 11-year olds, is now available for purchase at inSpirit: UU Book and Gift shop.
UUA and Boy Scouts of America
On March 24, 2016, the Boy Scouts of America and the Unitarian Universalist Association signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding to provide guidance to UU congregations who wish to sponsor Boy Scout troops. This move towards re-establishing organizational ties is due to the BSA’s recent policy changes making scouting more inclusive to gay scouts and gay scout leaders.
If you want to know more about the Boy Scouts and the UUA, visit Frequently Asked Questions.