Displaying 1 - 20 of 140

This list includes every page or product with this tag from UUA.org, UU World magazine, or inSpirit books & gifts.

  • Despite the bright, twinkling lights and the chiming bells, some of us are full of grief, fear, and pain. We believe there should be a time to honor these feelings as well.
    By Gretchen Maune | December 12, 2023 | For Families, Multigenerational | From Uplift Access
    Tagged as: #DisabilityJustice, 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Anti-Oppression, Disability, Health, Spirituality, Unitarian Universalism, Wholeness, Disability & Accessibility
  • Love this world, she whispers.
    Poetry | By Rebecca Ann Parker | November 30, 2023 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Advent, Beauty, Brokenness, Earth, Love, Wholeness, Winter Solstice / Yule, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
    Worship element
  • By the time they reach kindergarten, most kids believe that “fat” is bad. By middle school, more than a quarter of them have gone on a diet. What are parents supposed to do? Available for pre-order!
    Book | By Virginia Sole-Smith | April 11, 2023
    Tagged as: Children, Mental Health, Wholeness, Parenting
  • adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor create an unforgettable and transformational experience of journaling your way into your most authentic self. 2022 General Assembly Featured Speaker...
    Book | By Adrienne Maree Brown, Sonya Renee Taylor | June 17, 2022
    Tagged as: Acceptance, Journey, Self-Care, Transformation, Wholeness, Worth, Personal Inspiration
  • From the acclaimed poet, an exploration of how we can meet our truest selves, the ones we’ve always been meant to become...
    Book | By Yrsa Daley-Ward | November 6, 2021
    Tagged as: Journey, Nourishing the Spirit, Self-Care, Wholeness, Personal Inspiration
  • It’s so [easy] to see the one disabled person and say, She needs a cure so she can fit into our world.
    Quote | By Rebekah Taussig | September 27, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), Anti-Oppression, Body, Direct Experience, Disability, Justice, Oppression, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • When I was small and just learning how to do life in my body, I didn’t hesitate, didn’t hold back, didn’t worry how it would look, didn’t look for cues or ask for a line. My imagination ruled... I was entirely free to be, driven by the innovation my body inspired. This is the wild...
    Reading | By Rebekah Taussig | September 27, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 6th Principle (World Community), Anti-Oppression, Body, Dignity, Direct Experience, Freedom, Justice, Oppression, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • The following is an excerpt from the Theological Statement that opens the May 2018 Report of the UUMA Ableism Task Force. The members of that Task Force were Rev. Josh Pawelek and Rev. Barbara F. Meyers, co-chairs; Rev. Mark Belletini; Rev. Erika Hewitt; Rev. Evan Keely; and Rev. Theresa I. Soto.
    Reading | August 17, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Anti-Oppression, Body, Disability, Inclusion, Wholeness, WorshipWeb, Worship
    Worship element
  • Set your compass to point towards hope and begin your journey home.
    Opening | By Lindasusan Ulrich | June 2, 2021 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Acceptance, Brokenness, Community, Healing, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • My broken is what makes me who I am today.
    Reflection | By Paula Gribble | February 24, 2021 | From Braver/Wiser
    Tagged as: Beauty, Brokenness, Wholeness, Worship
  • An intimate, revelatory book exploring the ways we can care for and repair ourselves when life knocks us down.
    Book | By Katherine May | December 9, 2020
    Tagged as: Change, Contemplation, Healing, Home, Meaning, Peace, Sadness, Self-Care, Simplicity, Spirituality, Strength, Wholeness, Personal Inspiration
  • As Unitarian Universalists, our journey is to transform the big and the small, to transform ourselves, and to transform the world.
    Responsive Reading | By Elizabeth Nguyen | November 9, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Anti-Oppression, Calling, Freedom, Justice, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Seven Principles, Transformation, Unitarian Universalism, Universalism, Wholeness, WorshipWeb, Worship
    Worship element
  • The chalice, as a symbol of Unitarian Universalism, arose as a beacon of hope in an atmosphere of tyranny. The chalice arose as a sign of promise that the marginalized would neither be forgotten nor ignored, because they are beloved and precious from the perspective of the Holy. This morning, we...
    Chalice Lighting | By Erika Hewitt | August 5, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), Anti-Oppression, Freedom, Generations, History, Hope, Oppression, Unitarian Universalism, Unitarianism, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • I often go to bed during this pandemic wondering if my heart can hurt anymore. Then I wake up and see the news and my heartache continues. I wonder what to say to my children. What do I say to my little one, versus what I say to my teens about the state of our country?...
    By Rayla D. Mattson | June 22, 2020 | From LeaderLab
    Tagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, #COVID19, Brokenness, Children, Families & Faith Development, Hope, Parents, Wholeness, Keeping Children Safe
  • I often go to bed during this pandemic wondering if my heart can hurt anymore. Then I wake up and see the news and my heartache continues. I wonder what to say to my children. What do I say to my little one, versus what I say to my teens about the state of our country?...
    By Rayla D. Mattson | June 22, 2020 | From Call and Response
    Tagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, #COVID19, Brokenness, Children, Families & Faith Development, Hope, Parents, Wholeness, Keeping Children Safe
  • In our striving to do our best and be our best, we as people and we as congregations can sometimes gravitate toward perfectionism--a force that cuts us, and others, down. How can we learn to honor the good about who we are and what we're accomplishing, knowing that it's incomplete, knowing that it's imperfect?
    By Sarah Gibb Millspaugh | May 14, 2020 | From Pacific Western Region
    Tagged as: Gratitude, Wholeness, Multiculturalism, Faith Development, Membership Growth & Outreach
  • Pleasure reminds us to enjoy being alive and on purpose... Pleasure—embodied, connected pleasure—is one of the way we know when we are free. That we are always free. That we always have the power to co-create the world. Pleasure helps us move through the times that are unfair, through grief and...
    Quote | By Adrienne Maree Brown | February 15, 2020 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Beauty, Body, Direct Experience, Humanism, Joy, Love, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Secular, Self-Care, Self-Respect, Sexuality, Spiritual Practice, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • We speak so often of brokenness in religious life, Let us speak today of wholeness....
    Opening | By Sharon Wylie | May 28, 2019 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), Acceptance, Anti-Oppression, Beauty, Coming Out, Gender, Humanism, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, National Coming Out Day, Pride Sunday, Secular, Self-Respect, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • Deeper than DNA, more fundamental than molecules or quarks, at our living core, we are wholeness and transfiguring love. We often forget that power, becoming lonely or resentful, comparing ourselves to others, acting out of our fears rather than our living our glory....
    Invocation | By Chip Roush | February 11, 2019 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: Community, Faith, Fear, Growth, Humanism, Love, Mystery, Sacred, Spirituality, Transformation, Unitarian Universalism, Wholeness
    Worship element
  • [S]piritual and meditative practices are not meant to erase pain. That's a symptom of our pain-avoidant culture, and not an accurate portrayal of the practices themselves. It's a misuse of so many beautiful teachings to force them into roles they were never meant to play....
    Quote | By Megan Devine | February 4, 2019 | From WorshipWeb
    Tagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Brokenness, Death, Despair, Direct Experience, Grief, Healing, Humanism, Mindfulness, Pain, Secular, Spiritual Practice, Wholeness
    Worship element