To search for resources that support January's Soul Matter theme of Liberating Love, toggle the red arrow below and search for Spiritual Themes of: Love, Liberation, Justice, Freedom
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- Aaron Payson (1)
- Adam Slate (1)
- Aisha Ansano (1)
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- Alice Anacheka-Nasemann (2)
- Alix Klingenberg (1)
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- Amarette Callaway (1)
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- anastasi birosh (2)
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- Barbara F. Meyers (1)
- Barbara Hamilton-Holway (1)
- Barrow Dunham (1)
- Bear W. Qolezcua (1)
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- Beth Merrill Neel (1)
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- Judith L Quarles (1)
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- Kate Landis (3)
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- Libbie D Stoddard (1)
- Li Kynvi (1)
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- Lisa Doege (5)
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- Lorelei Greenwood-Jones (2)
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- Lori Gorgas Hlaban (1)
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- Lynn Ungar (1)
- Mandie McGlynn (1)
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- Melanie Morel-Ensminger (1)
- Monica Dobbins (1)
- Myke Johnson (1)
- Nadine McSpadden (1)
- Nathan Ryan (2)
- Norman V Naylor (1)
- Oberlin UU Fellowship, Oberlin, OH (1)
- Pat Uribe-Lichty (3)
- Paul J. Wadell (1)
- Paul R Beedle (2)
- Paul Sprecher (1)
- Peggy Clarke (1)
- Peregrine Morkal-Williams (1)
- Randolph Becker (1)
- Ranwa Hammamy (1)
- Raymond R Nasemann (1)
- Rebecca Ann Parker (2)
- Rebekah Savage (2)
- Reinhold Neibuhr (2)
- Rexford J. Styzens (1)
- Richard F. Beil (1)
- Richard S. Gilbert (2)
- Robert T Weston (1)
- Robert Walsh (1)
- Robin Bartlett (1)
- Robin F. Gray (1)
- Robin Tanner (6)
- Rosemary Morrison (1)
- Ruben Piirainen (1)
- Ruth E Gibson (1)
- Sam Trumbore (2)
- Sam Turton (1)
- Sean Parker Dennison (2)
- Shantideva (1)
- Shari Woodbury (3)
- Sharon D. Welch (1)
- Sharon Wylie (1)
- Stephen M. Shick (2)
- Summer Albayati (1)
- Susan Manker-Seale (1)
- Susan Werner (1)
- Suzelle Lynch (1)
- Sylvia L Howe (1)
- Terasa Cooley (1)
- Teresa Honey Youngblood (1)
- Tess Baumberger (1)
- Thandeka (1)
- Theresa Hardy (1)
- Theresa I. Soto (1)
- Thomas Rhodes (1)
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1)
- Tim Haley (1)
- Tom Goldsmith (1)
- Tom Schade (2)
- Tuli Patel (1)
- Vance Bass (1)
- Vanessa Rush Southern (2)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 291
Fear not, the angels would text me. Hallelujah, I’d write back.Reflection | By Marcus Liefert | December 20, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Advent, Awe, Children, Christianity, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Direct Experience, Family, Hope, Parents, Wonder, Worship
Turn toward the thaw, and turn toward the rebirth of spring with New Hope.Prayer | By Christin Green | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Body, Despair, Gratitude, Hope, Love, Worry, WorshipWeb, Worship
Welcome, all who seek renewal in a weary world.Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 11, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Connections, Friendship, Generations, Hope, Interdependence, WorshipWeb, Worship
What if sometimes it’s about sparking potential into possibility, and possibility into existence?Chalice Lighting | By Lisa Doege | November 17, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Beginnings, Hope, Journey, Justice, Love, Peace, WorshipWeb, Worship
“Verily with hardship comes ease...” (Quran; 94:5-6)Chalice Lighting | By Summer Albayati | November 16, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Compassion, Hope, Islam, Justice, Oppression, WorshipWeb, Worship
Remind us that resilience is in our bones, that peace will prevail on earthPrayer | By Douglas Taylor | May 22, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Brokenness, Despair, God, Healing, Hope
What’s your most memorable story about getting lost? What do you remember about finding your way home?Reflection | By Erika Hewitt | March 15, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Connections, Despair, Direct Experience, Home, Hope, Humanism, Journey, Searching, Worship
Be kind. Be brave. Be just. Be merciful.Benediction | By Adam Slate | March 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Courage, Hope, Justice, Kindness, WorshipWeb, Worship
The circle of evergreens reminds us that life and love will never end.Ritual | By Rosemary Morrison | January 26, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Advent, Christianity, Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, Spiritual Practice
Can we enfold other people in the way we long to be enfolded?Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Healing, Hope, Love
Our family secret is soul-sucking depression.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Depression, Direct Experience, Family, Healing, Hope, Love, Mental Health, Secular, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
We come together in one faith.Chalice Lighting | By Pat Uribe-Lichty | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Faith, Hope, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Unitarian Universalism
We face a challenge to democracy.Chalice Lighting | By Pat Uribe-Lichty | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Challenge, Democracy, Hope
Can we find space for lifting our heads in wonder—that we’re still striving, still trying togetherChalice Lighting | By Li Kynvi | August 10, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Business Meetings, Commitment, Community, Faith, Hope, Identity, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
May we open our hearts to the abundance of creation.Prayer | By Vanessa Rush Southern, Alyson Jacks | August 8, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Balance, Connections, Earth Day, Easter, Hope, Joy, Vernal Equinox, WorshipWeb, Worship
People of faith are experts in human kindness.Reading | By Barbara F. Meyers | July 27, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Addiction/Recovery, Caring, Community, Healing, Hope, Kindness, Mental Health
We have a holy obligation to bring about paradise on this earth; each generation helps us do that.Reflection | By Nathan Ryan | June 15, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Children, Father's Day, Fathers, Generations, Hope, Mothers, Parents, Purpose, Secular, Unitarian Universalism, Worship
This burning flame represented hope during the bleakness of World War II.Chalice Lighting | By anastasi birosh | May 23, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Generations, History, Hope, Tradition, Unitarian Universalism, Unitarianism, WorshipWeb, Worship
May our beacon of hope give you respiteChalice Lighting | By Joseph M. Cherry | May 4, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Good, Hope, Strength, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
May we tend our Soul Fire through these challenging and trying timesChalice Lighting | By anastasi birosh | March 31, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: #8thPrinciple, Acceptance, Challenge, Hope, Hospitality, Inclusion, Purpose, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
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WorshipWeb's Origin Story
Conceived in 1999, WorshipWeb was implemented in late 2000 and 2001 through funding from the Unitarian Universalist Association's successful 1997 "Handing on the Future" capital fund campaign.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and its members in the development of WorshipWeb.