To search for resources that support January's Soul Matter theme of Liberating Love, toggle the red arrow below and search for Spiritual Themes of: Love, Liberation, Justice, Freedom
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- #LGBTQ (1)
- #LoveResists (2)
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- #SideWithLove (3)
- 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity) (31)
- 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion) (19)
- 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth) (19)
- 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning) (33)
- 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy) (3)
- 6th Principle (World Community) (8)
- 7th Principle (Interconnected Web) (16)
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- America (19)
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- Animal Memorial (1)
- Animals (11)
- Anti-Oppression (39)
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- Autumnal Equinox (3)
- Awe (8)
- Backpack Blessing (2)
- Balance (12)
- Beauty (11)
- Beginnings (9)
- Belief (3)
- Birth (1)
- Black History / Whitney Young / James Reeb (3)
- Blame (1)
- Body (34)
- Bridging Ceremony (1)
- Brokenness (15)
- Buddhism (3)
- Building/Space Dedication (3)
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- Child Dedication (2)
- Children (28)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (2)
- Children's Sabbath (2)
- Choice (17)
- Christianity (25)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (13)
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- Climate Justice (4)
- Coming-of-Age (4)
- Coming of Age (1)
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- Commitment (8)
- Community (35)
- Community Ministry Sunday (1)
- Compassion (25)
- Compromise (2)
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- Connections (24)
- Conscience (6)
- Contemplation (14)
- Courage (13)
- Covenant (5)
- Creativity (4)
- Culture (1)
- Death (15)
- Democracy (9)
- Depression (1)
- Despair (4)
- Día de los Muertos (1)
- Dignity (1)
- Direct Experience (87)
- Disability (3)
- Disaster or Crisis (12)
- Discernment (15)
- Diversity (8)
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- Ethics (2)
- Evil (1)
- Failure (1)
- Faith (8)
- Fall (2)
- Family (20)
- Father's Day (5)
- Fathers (6)
- Fat Liberation (1)
- Fear (8)
- Flower Communion (2)
- Food (6)
- Food Justice (1)
- Forgiveness (13)
- Freedom (10)
- Friendship (16)
- Gender (8)
- Generations (30)
- Generosity (2)
- God (14)
- Goddess (6)
- Good (2)
- Grace (10)
- Gratitude (13)
- Grief (14)
- Growth (18)
- Hanukkah (2)
- Healing (21)
- Health (4)
- Hinduism (1)
- History (17)
- Home (3)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (1)
- Hope (23)
- Hospitality (11)
- Humanism (55)
- Human Rights (3)
- Humility (7)
- Identity (25)
- Illness (1)
- Imagination (24)
- Immanence (2)
- Inclusion (16)
- Indigenous American (4)
- Indigenous Peoples Day (1)
- Individualism (1)
- Installations (2)
- Integrity (15)
- Interdependence (19)
- Interfaith (2)
- International (6)
- Islam (4)
- Journey (5)
- Joy (8)
- Judaism (10)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Justice (26)
- Kindness (1)
- Labor Day (1)
- Leadership (10)
- Lent (6)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (18)
- Letting Go (8)
- Life Transition (3)
- Limitations (11)
- Listening (1)
- Living Our Faith (25)
- Love (39)
- Marriage (3)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday (1)
- Meaning (4)
- Memorial Day (3)
- Memorial Services (7)
- Men (1)
- Mental Health (4)
- Military (4)
- Mindfulness (3)
- Ministerial Transition (2)
- Ministry (10)
- Money (2)
- Mother's Day (2)
- Mothers (8)
- Multiculturalism (5)
- Mystery (8)
- Naming Ceremony (1)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
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- New Member Ceremony (1)
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- Oppression (5)
- Ordinations (3)
- Paganism (2)
- Pain (3)
- Parents (19)
- Patience (11)
- Peace (7)
- Personal Stories (5)
- Playfulness (5)
- Politics (4)
- Poverty (1)
- Power (7)
- Presence (13)
- Pride Sunday (7)
- Privilege (3)
- Progress (1)
- Prophetic Words & Deeds (12)
- Psychology (3)
- Purpose (18)
- Race/Ethnicity (27)
- Ramadan (1)
- Reason (3)
- Reconciliation (6)
- Redemption (1)
- Relationships (37)
- Remembrance Day (2)
- Reproductive Justice (7)
- Respect (2)
- Responsibility (10)
- Revelation (1)
- Rosh Hashanah (3)
- Sacred (4)
- Sacrifice (1)
- Salvation (2)
- Samhain (1)
- Science (5)
- Searching (10)
- Secular (59)
- Self-Care (16)
- Self-Respect (27)
- Service (7)
- Seven Principles (12)
- Sexuality (5)
- Shame (1)
- Solidarity (14)
- Sorrow (1)
- Spirituality (8)
- Spiritual Practice (20)
- Spring (2)
- Stewardship (10)
- Strength (5)
- Stress (3)
- Suffering (1)
- Summer Solstice (1)
- Teamwork (2)
- Thanksgiving (3)
- Tradition (2)
- Transcendence (8)
- Transformation (16)
- Transgender Day of Remembrance (1)
- Trauma (4)
- Trust (7)
- Truth (10)
- Unitarianism (4)
- Unitarian Universalism (55)
- Unity (6)
- Universalism (2)
- Vernal Equinox (3)
- Violence (3)
- Vision (3)
- Vulnerability (7)
- Water Communion (2)
- Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies (1)
- Wholeness (5)
- Winter (8)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (10)
- Wisdom (2)
- Women (4)
- Wonder (14)
- Work (5)
- Worry (2)
- (-) Worship (394)
- Worth (1)
- Yom Kippur (3)
- Young Adults (3)
- Youth/Teens (2)
- Advent (17)
- All Souls Day (2)
- Animal Memorial (1)
- Autumnal Equinox (3)
- Backpack Blessing (2)
- Black History / Whitney Young / James Reeb (3)
- Bridging Ceremony (1)
- Building/Space Dedication (3)
- Business Meetings (4)
- Canvass/Pledge (2)
- Child Dedication (2)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (2)
- Children's Sabbath (2)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (13)
- Coming of Age (1)
- Coming Out (5)
- Community Ministry Sunday (1)
- Día de los Muertos (1)
- Disaster or Crisis (12)
- Diwali (1)
- Earth Day (7)
- Easter (6)
- Father's Day (5)
- Flower Communion (2)
- Hanukkah (2)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (1)
- Indigenous Peoples Day (1)
- Installations (2)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Labor Day (1)
- Lent (6)
- Life Transition (3)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday (1)
- Memorial Day (3)
- Memorial Services (7)
- Ministerial Transition (2)
- Mother's Day (2)
- Naming Ceremony (1)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
- New Member Ceremony (1)
- New Year (4)
- Ordinations (3)
- Pride Sunday (7)
- Ramadan (1)
- Remembrance Day (2)
- Rosh Hashanah (3)
- Samhain (1)
- Summer Solstice (1)
- Thanksgiving (3)
- Transgender Day of Remembrance (1)
- Vernal Equinox (3)
- Water Communion (2)
- Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies (1)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (10)
- Yom Kippur (3)
- Abundance (10)
- Acceptance (24)
- Activism (14)
- Addiction/Recovery (3)
- Aging (2)
- America (19)
- Anger (2)
- Animals (11)
- Anti-Oppression (39)
- Arts & Music (8)
- Awe (8)
- Balance (12)
- Beauty (11)
- Beginnings (9)
- Belief (3)
- Birth (1)
- Blame (1)
- Body (34)
- Brokenness (15)
- Calling (4)
- Caring (19)
- Challenge (14)
- Change (16)
- Character (11)
- Children (28)
- Choice (17)
- Class (1)
- Climate Justice (4)
- Coming-of-Age (4)
- Commitment (8)
- Community (35)
- Compassion (25)
- Compromise (2)
- Conflict (12)
- Connections (24)
- Conscience (6)
- Contemplation (14)
- Courage (13)
- Covenant (5)
- Creativity (4)
- Culture (1)
- Death (15)
- Democracy (9)
- Depression (1)
- Despair (4)
- Dignity (1)
- Disability (3)
- Discernment (15)
- Diversity (8)
- Division (2)
- Doubt (2)
- Earth (30)
- Education (1)
- Empathy (6)
- Ending (9)
- Environment (3)
- Equity (4)
- Ethics (2)
- Evil (1)
- Failure (1)
- Faith (8)
- Fall (2)
- Family (20)
- Fathers (6)
- Fat Liberation (1)
- Fear (8)
- Food (6)
- Food Justice (1)
- Forgiveness (13)
- Freedom (10)
- Friendship (16)
- Gender (8)
- Generations (30)
- Generosity (2)
- God (14)
- Goddess (6)
- Good (2)
- Grace (10)
- Gratitude (13)
- Grief (14)
- Growth (18)
- Healing (21)
- Health (4)
- History (17)
- Home (3)
- Hope (23)
- Hospitality (11)
- Human Rights (3)
- Humility (7)
- Identity (25)
- Illness (1)
- Imagination (24)
- Immanence (2)
- Inclusion (16)
- Individualism (1)
- Integrity (15)
- Interdependence (19)
- Journey (5)
- Joy (8)
- Justice (26)
- Kindness (1)
- Leadership (10)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (18)
- Letting Go (8)
- Limitations (11)
- Listening (1)
- Living Our Faith (25)
- Love (39)
- Marriage (3)
- Meaning (4)
- Men (1)
- Mental Health (4)
- Military (4)
- Mindfulness (3)
- Ministry (10)
- Money (2)
- Mothers (8)
- Multiculturalism (5)
- Mystery (8)
- Nature (36)
- Oppression (5)
- Pain (3)
- Parents (19)
- Patience (11)
- Peace (7)
- Personal Stories (5)
- Playfulness (5)
- Politics (4)
- Poverty (1)
- Power (7)
- Presence (13)
- Privilege (3)
- Progress (1)
- Psychology (3)
- Purpose (18)
- Race/Ethnicity (27)
- Reason (3)
- Reconciliation (6)
- Redemption (1)
- Relationships (37)
- Reproductive Justice (7)
- Respect (2)
- Responsibility (10)
- Revelation (1)
- Sacred (4)
- Sacrifice (1)
- Salvation (2)
- Science (5)
- Searching (10)
- Self-Care (16)
- Self-Respect (27)
- Service (7)
- Sexuality (5)
- Shame (1)
- Solidarity (14)
- Sorrow (1)
- Spirituality (8)
- Spiritual Practice (20)
- Spring (2)
- Stewardship (10)
- Strength (5)
- Stress (3)
- Suffering (1)
- Teamwork (2)
- Tradition (2)
- Transcendence (8)
- Transformation (16)
- Trauma (4)
- Trust (7)
- Truth (10)
- Unity (6)
- Violence (3)
- Vision (3)
- Vulnerability (7)
- Wholeness (5)
- Winter (8)
- Wisdom (2)
- Women (4)
- Wonder (14)
- Work (5)
- Worry (2)
- Worth (1)
- Young Adults (3)
- Youth/Teens (2)
- Abbey Tennis (1)
- Adam Slate (5)
- Addae Ama Kraba (1)
- Adena Dannouf (1)
- Adrienne Maree Brown (3)
- Aisha Ansano (1)
- Alex Jensen (2)
- Alice Anacheka-Nasemann (1)
- Alyson Jacks (1)
- Amanda Alice Uluhan (1)
- Amanda Doyle (1)
- Amanda Udis-Kessler (1)
- Amy Brooks (1)
- Amy Jones (1)
- Amy Williams Clark (1)
- anastasi birosh (3)
- Andrea Hawkins-Kamper (1)
- Andrew Tripp (1)
- Anonymous (3)
- Anya Sammler-Michael (1)
- Arif Mamdani (1)
- Atena O. Danner (2)
- Austen Petersen (1)
- Barbara F. Meyers (1)
- Ben Atherton-Zeman (1)
- Ben Ogilvie (1)
- Ben Soule (2)
- Beth Monhollen (1)
- Caitlin Cotter Coillberg (2)
- Carol Thomas Cissel (1)
- Carter Smith (1)
- Charles Thomas (2)
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (1)
- Chrissy Bushyager (1)
- Christina Leone Tracy (1)
- Christine Slocum (4)
- Christin Green (4)
- Cindy Fesgen (1)
- Cindy Terlazzo (1)
- Clint Smith (1)
- Connie Simon (1)
- Cricket Hall (1)
- cristy cardinal (1)
- Cynthia Landrum (1)
- DanaLee Simon (2)
- Daniel Gregoire (1)
- Danya Ruttenberg (5)
- Darcey Elizabeth Hegvik Laine (1)
- David Breeden (2)
- David Glasgow (1)
- David Schwartz (1)
- Dawn Skjei Cooley (1)
- Deb Cannon (1)
- Deborah Weiner (1)
- Debra Haffner (1)
- DeEtte Waleed (1)
- Diane Dassow (1)
- Douglas Taylor (2)
- Eileen Casey-Campbell (1)
- Eileen Wiviott (1)
- Elandria Williams (1)
- Elea Kemler (1)
- Eli Clare (1)
- Elizabeth Harding (1)
- Elizabeth Mount (2)
- Elizabeth Nguyen (1)
- Elizabeth Stevens (1)
- Emily Richards (1)
- Erica Shadowsong (4)
- Erika Hewitt (7)
- Erin J. Walter (1)
- First Parish UU Church, Kennebunk, ME (1)
- Frances Koziar (4)
- George A Tyger (1)
- George Grimm-Howell (1)
- Glennon Doyle (1)
- Glen Thomas Rideout (1)
- Gretchen Haley (1)
- Heather McDuffee (2)
- Heather Rion Starr (1)
- Heide Cottam (1)
- Hope Johnson (1)
- HP Rivers (1)
- Ijeoma Oluo (1)
- Imani Perry (2)
- Isabel Wilkerson (1)
- Jabari S. Jones (1)
- Jaclyn Friedman (1)
- Jacob Trapp (1)
- Jake Morrill (3)
- Jami A. Yandle (1)
- Jamila Batchelder (1)
- JD Stillwater (3)
- JeKaren Olaoya (3)
- Jen Crow (1)
- Jennifer Cottrill (1)
- Jennifer Hundley-Batts (1)
- Jennifer Johnson (1)
- Jennifer Pratt-Walter (3)
- Jes Kast (1)
- Jessica Clay (1)
- Jill Duffield (2)
- Joan Javier-Duval (3)
- Joanna Fontaine Crawford (2)
- Joanna Lubkin (2)
- Joel Miller (1)
- Joseph M. Cherry (1)
- Jo VonRue (3)
- Julia Hamilton (1)
- Julica Hermann de la Fuente (3)
- Julie Conrady (1)
- Julie Fanselow (1)
- Julie Taylor (1)
- Karen G. Johnston (9)
- Karen Lewis Foley (1)
- Kari Kopnick (1)
- Kate Landis (2)
- Katharine Kline (1)
- Katherine May (1)
- Katie Romano Griffin (1)
- Katie Sivani Gelfand (1)
- Kendyl L. R. Gibbons (1)
- Kenneth P. Langer (1)
- Kent McKusick (1)
- Kevin Jagoe (1)
- Kiakiali Bordner (2)
- Kimberlee Anne Tomczak Carlson (2)
- Kim Nielsen (1)
- Kim Wildszewski (1)
- Kristen L. Harper (1)
- Kristin Grassel Schmidt (2)
- Kye Flannery (2)
- Lane-Mairead Campbell (1)
- Laura Conkle (1)
- Laura Dobson (1)
- Laura Horton-Ludwig (1)
- Laura Shay (2)
- Laura Solomon (3)
- Lauren Robbins (1)
- Leah Ongiri (3)
- Leia Durland-Jones (1)
- Leslie Ahuvah Fails (2)
- Leslie Alexander (1)
- Leslie Gatto (1)
- Leslie Takahashi (3)
- Li Kynvi (4)
- Linda Hart (3)
- Lindasusan Ulrich (2)
- Lisa Doege (1)
- Liz Weber (1)
- Lora Brandis (1)
- Lori Gorgas Hlaban (1)
- Lucas Hergert (1)
- Lynette Yetter (3)
- Lynn Gardner (1)
- Maggie Lovins (1)
- Mandie McGlynn (1)
- mandi huizenga (1)
- Marcus Liefert (1)
- Margy Levine Young (1)
- Maria Bavier (1)
- Marian Stewart (1)
- Mariela Pérez-Simons (1)
- Mark Belletini (1)
- Martha Durkee-Neuman (1)
- Martina Thompson (1)
- Mary Gear (4)
- Mary Grigolia (1)
- Mary Shelden (2)
- Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo (1)
- Megan Foley (2)
- Megan Lloyd Joiner (1)
- Meg Barnhouse (1)
- Melissa Jeter (11)
- Michael J. Tino (1)
- Michelle Alexander (1)
- Michelle Buhite (1)
- Michelle Collins (3)
- Michelle LaGrave (1)
- Mike Adams (1)
- Mira Mickiewicz (1)
- Molly Housh Gordon (1)
- Molly Kliment-Jenkins (1)
- Myke Johnson (1)
- Nathan Ryan (2)
- Ndidi Achebe (3)
- Nica Eaton-Guinn (1)
- Nicole McKay (1)
- Parker J. Palmer (1)
- Patty Willis (3)
- Pat Uribe-Lichty (2)
- Paula Gribble (1)
- Paul S Sawyer (1)
- Peggy Clarke (1)
- Perry Beider (1)
- Phoenix Bell-Shelton Biggs (1)
- Priscilla Shumway (1)
- Quinn Gormley (1)
- Rachael Hayes (2)
- Rachel Lonberg (2)
- Rayla D. Mattson (1)
- Rebecca Ann Parker (2)
- Renee Ruchotzke (1)
- Richard Rohr (1)
- Rita Capezzi (1)
- Robin Tanner (1)
- Robin Wall Kimmerer (2)
- Ryan Urie (1)
- Sally Fritsche (1)
- Sam Allen (1)
- Sara Goodman (1)
- Sarah Gillespie (1)
- Sarah Klinger Osborne (1)
- SarahRuth Davis (1)
- Sarah Skochko (1)
- Sara Palmer (1)
- Seanan R. Holland (1)
- Shannon Lang (2)
- Shari Woodbury (4)
- Sharon Delgadillo (1)
- Sharon Scholl (1)
- Sharon Wylie (1)
- Shaya French (3)
- Stacey Elza (1)
- Sue Ferguson (1)
- Summer Albayati (5)
- Susan Frances (1)
- Susan Frederick-Gray (1)
- Susan Maginn (1)
- Ta-Nehisi Coates (1)
- Takiyah Nur Amin (1)
- Tania Márquez (9)
- Tara Humphries (1)
- Taryn Strauss (2)
- Teresa Schwartz (1)
- Tess Baumberger (1)
- Theresa I. Soto (1)
- Tiffany Sapp (2)
- Tim Atkins (3)
- Timothy Snyder (1)
- Tom Goldsmith (1)
- Tomo Hillbo (1)
- Tom Schade (1)
- Tracy Johnson (2)
- Tuli Patel (1)
- Vanessa Rush Southern (1)
- Vanessa Titang (7)
- Walter Brueggemann (1)
- Zach Norris (1)
- Zeb Green (1)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 394
Death is a regular part of my job, which makes small talk weird for me at parties.Reflection | By Sarah Gillespie | January 17, 2024 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Death, Direct Experience, Friendship, Grief, Humanism, Ministry, Presence, Worship
Just as I can believe in others, I also believe in me.Reflection | By Vanessa Titang | January 10, 2024 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Activism, Direct Experience, Discernment, Doubt, Humanism, Identity, Leadership, Ministry, Self-Respect, Worship
Help us brainstorm powerful, theologically-grounded rituals for Earth Day.January 3, 2024 | From WorshipLabTagged as: Climate Justice, Earth Day, WorshipWeb, Worship
What “toast, boast, and oath” might you offer this January?Reflection | By Sarah Klinger Osborne | January 3, 2024 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Beginnings, Choice, Contemplation, Integrity, New Year, Searching, Self-Care, Self-Respect, Worship
Fear not, the angels would text me. Hallelujah, I’d write back.Reflection | By Marcus Liefert | December 20, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Advent, Awe, Children, Christianity, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Direct Experience, Family, Hope, Parents, Wonder, Worship
The journey toward inner truth is too taxing to be made solo.Reading | By Parker J. Palmer | December 14, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Contemplation, Discernment, Journey, Searching, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
We pause on this night of mystery, to tell the stories, to sing the songs, and to bring more light into the world.Chalice Lighting | By Linda Hart | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Christmas Eve / Christmas, Mystery, Peace, Personal Stories, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
Pause here, and be renewed and restored.Opening | By Linda Hart | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Advent, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Journey, Self-Care, WorshipWeb, Worship
We light this chalice, here in the darkness of winter as we wait.Chalice Lighting | By JeKaren Olaoya | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Advent, Christmas Eve / Christmas, Earth, Earth-Centered, Nature, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
We light this chalice, so that by its light we may read ALL the books…Chalice Lighting | By Julie Conrady | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
Turn toward the thaw, and turn toward the rebirth of spring with New Hope.Prayer | By Christin Green | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Body, Despair, Gratitude, Hope, Love, Worry, WorshipWeb, Worship
The fulcrum of the Earth tilts toward goodness and I will ride along…Reading | By Jennifer Pratt-Walter | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Balance, Beauty, Earth, Earth-Centered, Good, Nature, Transcendence, Winter Solstice / Yule, WorshipWeb, Worship
Holy flame of times past, brighten this present moment…Chalice Lighting | By Tracy Johnson | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Courage, Freedom, Generations, Reason, WorshipWeb, Worship
Illuminate our hearts and the spaces between them in this Sacred Time of unfolding.Chalice Lighting | By Tracy Johnson | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Love, Wisdom, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
Spirits of winter, I celebrate you!Reflection | By Erica Shadowsong | December 13, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Animals, Earth-Centered, Generations, Goddess, Imagination, Spiritual Practice, Winter, Winter Solstice / Yule, Worship
May this flag inspire us to live with pride, to embrace our truths, and to unite in the face of adversity.Blessing | By Michelle Collins | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: #LGBTQ, #LoveResists, #Pride, Anti-Oppression, Commitment, Equity, Gender, Identity, Justice, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Love, Relationships, Solidarity, WorshipWeb, Worship
We call for the freedom and the right for all stories to be freely shared.Blessing | By Michelle Collins | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, WorshipWeb, Worship
We are the recipients of an incredible gift and a beautiful vision.Offering | By Alice Anacheka-Nasemann | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: All Souls Day, Building/Space Dedication, Canvass/Pledge, Commitment, Generations, Gratitude, History, Homecoming / Ingathering, Humanism, Leadership, New Member Ceremony, Samhain, Vision, WorshipWeb, Worship
In this heartbreak what we carry forth is our humanity in newly revealed form—our hearts tender and delicate.Prayer | By Vanessa Titang | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Brokenness, Community, Compassion, Disaster or Crisis, Grief, Healing, Trauma, WorshipWeb, Worship
There is room here for each and every one. Come in. Be among us.Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Caring, Community, Hospitality, Inclusion, Searching, WorshipWeb, Worship
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Our authors and artists have granted permission for use by Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) member congregations for any worship service, including printing materials, projecting onto screens, or including in audio/video podcasts. Thank you for crediting the author or artist.
WorshipWeb's Origin Story
Conceived in 1999, WorshipWeb was implemented in late 2000 and 2001 through funding from the Unitarian Universalist Association's successful 1997 "Handing on the Future" capital fund campaign.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and its members in the development of WorshipWeb.