To search for resources that support January's Soul Matter theme of Liberating Love, toggle the red arrow below and search for Spiritual Themes of: Love, Liberation, Justice, Freedom
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- #BlackLivesMatter (4)
- #COVID19 (8)
- #LGBTQ (1)
- #LoveResists (1)
- #Pride (1)
- 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity) (66)
- 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion) (45)
- 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth) (51)
- 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning) (48)
- 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy) (1)
- 6th Principle (World Community) (33)
- 7th Principle (Interconnected Web) (23)
- Abundance (15)
- Acceptance (33)
- Activism (17)
- Advent (12)
- Aging (3)
- Agnosticism (4)
- All Saints Day (1)
- All Souls Day (4)
- America (7)
- Anger (3)
- Animal Blessing (3)
- Animal Memorial (4)
- Animals (11)
- Anti-Oppression (26)
- Arrogance (2)
- Arts & Music (7)
- Atheism (2)
- Autumnal Equinox (1)
- Awe (16)
- Backpack Blessing (2)
- Balance (6)
- Beauty (11)
- Beginnings (12)
- Belief (3)
- Birth (10)
- Black History / Whitney Young / James Reeb (2)
- Body (23)
- Bridging (1)
- Bridging Ceremony (3)
- Brokenness (22)
- Buddhism (5)
- Building/Space Dedication (5)
- Building Community (3)
- Business Meetings (3)
- Calling (7)
- Caring (35)
- Challenge (16)
- Change (8)
- Character (3)
- Child Dedication (6)
- Children (38)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (1)
- Children's Sabbath (1)
- Choice (8)
- Christianity (43)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (15)
- Climate Justice (1)
- Coming-of-Age (1)
- Coming of Age (3)
- Coming Out (4)
- Commitment (38)
- Communication (2)
- Communion (Christian) (1)
- Community (79)
- Compassion (54)
- Conflict (6)
- Connections (42)
- Conscience (2)
- Contemplation (3)
- Courage (40)
- Covenant (7)
- Creativity (3)
- Death (24)
- Democracy (1)
- Depression (1)
- Despair (10)
- Día de los Muertos (3)
- Dignity (6)
- Direct Experience (104)
- Disability (1)
- Disaster or Crisis (6)
- Discernment (6)
- Diversity (8)
- Division (1)
- Divorce / Separation (1)
- Doubt (2)
- Earth (8)
- Earth-Centered (14)
- Earth Day (2)
- Easter (12)
- Economy (1)
- Education (1)
- Empathy (9)
- Ending (3)
- Equity (2)
- Ethics (2)
- Evil (1)
- Failure (5)
- Faith (46)
- Fall (1)
- Families & Faith Development (1)
- Family (39)
- Father's Day (8)
- Fathers (14)
- Fat Liberation (1)
- Fear (13)
- Food (1)
- Food Justice (1)
- Forgiveness (24)
- Freedom (12)
- Friendship (15)
- Gender (4)
- Generations (30)
- Generosity (8)
- Globalism (1)
- God (28)
- Goddess (1)
- Good (3)
- Good Friday (2)
- Governance (1)
- Grace (10)
- Graduation Recognition (1)
- Gratitude (22)
- Grief (21)
- Growth (14)
- Guilt (1)
- Hanukkah (2)
- Happiness (3)
- Healing (47)
- Health (4)
- Hinduism (1)
- Hiroshima Day (1)
- History (8)
- Home (4)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (3)
- Honesty (3)
- Hope (70)
- Hospitality (11)
- Humanism (64)
- Human Rights (1)
- Humility (6)
- Identity (10)
- IllUUmination (2)
- Imagination (5)
- Imbolc / Brighid's Day / Candlemas (1)
- Immanence (5)
- Immigration (2)
- Inclusion (18)
- Individualism (1)
- Installations (2)
- Integrity (23)
- Interdependence (28)
- International (3)
- Intimacy (9)
- Islam (2)
- Journey (22)
- Joy (16)
- Joys & Concerns (1)
- Judaism (6)
- July 4th (1)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Justice (44)
- Justice Sunday (4)
- Kindness (10)
- Kwanzaa (1)
- Leadership (3)
- Lent (2)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (13)
- Letting Go (7)
- Life Transition (1)
- Limitations (3)
- Listening (5)
- Living Our Faith (41)
- (-) Love (387)
- Marriage (3)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday (3)
- Meaning (6)
- Meditation Practices (1)
- Memorial Day (4)
- Memorial Services (14)
- Men (2)
- Mental Health (4)
- Military (2)
- Military Service (1)
- Ministerial Transition (2)
- Ministry (2)
- Money (1)
- Mother's Day (15)
- Mothers (22)
- Mourning (4)
- Multiculturalism (4)
- Music Sunday (2)
- Mystery (23)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
- Nature (11)
- New Child (3)
- New Home (1)
- New Member Ceremony (1)
- New Year (3)
- Nonviolence (1)
- Oppression (3)
- Ordinations (2)
- Paganism (3)
- Pain (11)
- Parents (28)
- Partner Church Observation (2)
- Passover (Pesach) (1)
- Patience (7)
- Peace (32)
- Pentecost (1)
- Personal Inspiration (1)
- Personal Stories (1)
- Playfulness (9)
- Poverty (1)
- Power (13)
- Presence (18)
- Pride Sunday (9)
- Progress (2)
- Prophetic Words & Deeds (35)
- Psychology (1)
- Purpose (29)
- Race/Ethnicity (3)
- Reason (2)
- Reconciliation (4)
- Redemption (2)
- Relationships (72)
- Religion (3)
- Remembrance Day (6)
- Respect (4)
- Responsibility (8)
- Revelation (1)
- Reverence (7)
- Rosh Hashanah (1)
- Sacred (22)
- Sacrifice (7)
- Salvation (11)
- Samhain (1)
- Science (1)
- Searching (12)
- Secular (55)
- Self-Care (10)
- Self-Respect (16)
- Service (17)
- Seven Principles (7)
- Sexuality (9)
- Shadow (1)
- Shame (2)
- Silence (3)
- Solidarity (12)
- Sorrow (10)
- Spirituality (10)
- Spiritual Practice (9)
- Spring (1)
- Stewardship (2)
- Strength (17)
- Stress (1)
- Suffering (5)
- Table Grace (1)
- Taoism (1)
- Teamwork (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Thanksgiving (3)
- Tradition (11)
- Transcendence (16)
- Transformation (14)
- Trauma (1)
- Trust (9)
- Truth (18)
- Twelfth Night / Epiphany (1)
- Unitarianism (5)
- Unitarian Universalism (123)
- Unity (19)
- Universalism (8)
- Valentine's Day (16)
- Veterans Day (1)
- Violence (6)
- Vision (6)
- Vulnerability (20)
- War (2)
- Water Communion (1)
- Weakness (3)
- Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies (3)
- Wholeness (18)
- Winter (6)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (10)
- Wisdom (11)
- Wonder (19)
- Work (5)
- Worry (4)
- Worship (39)
- Worth (11)
- Yom Kippur (2)
- Young Adults (4)
- Youth/Teens (1)
- Advent (12)
- All Saints Day (1)
- All Souls Day (4)
- Animal Blessing (3)
- Animal Memorial (4)
- Autumnal Equinox (1)
- Backpack Blessing (2)
- Black History / Whitney Young / James Reeb (2)
- Bridging Ceremony (3)
- Building/Space Dedication (5)
- Business Meetings (3)
- Child Dedication (6)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (1)
- Children's Sabbath (1)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (15)
- Coming of Age (3)
- Coming Out (4)
- Communion (Christian) (1)
- Día de los Muertos (3)
- Disaster or Crisis (6)
- Divorce / Separation (1)
- Earth Day (2)
- Easter (12)
- Father's Day (8)
- Good Friday (2)
- Graduation Recognition (1)
- Hanukkah (2)
- Hiroshima Day (1)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (3)
- IllUUmination (2)
- Imbolc / Brighid's Day / Candlemas (1)
- Installations (2)
- Joys & Concerns (1)
- July 4th (1)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Justice Sunday (4)
- Kwanzaa (1)
- Lent (2)
- Life Transition (1)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday (3)
- Meditation Practices (1)
- Memorial Day (4)
- Memorial Services (14)
- Military Service (1)
- Ministerial Transition (2)
- Mother's Day (15)
- Mourning (4)
- Music Sunday (2)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
- New Child (3)
- New Home (1)
- New Member Ceremony (1)
- New Year (3)
- Ordinations (2)
- Partner Church Observation (2)
- Passover (Pesach) (1)
- Pentecost (1)
- Pride Sunday (9)
- Remembrance Day (6)
- Rosh Hashanah (1)
- Samhain (1)
- Table Grace (1)
- Thanksgiving (3)
- Twelfth Night / Epiphany (1)
- Valentine's Day (16)
- Veterans Day (1)
- Water Communion (1)
- Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies (3)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (10)
- Yom Kippur (2)
- Abundance (15)
- Acceptance (33)
- Activism (17)
- Aging (3)
- America (7)
- Anger (3)
- Animals (11)
- Anti-Oppression (26)
- Arrogance (2)
- Arts & Music (7)
- Awe (16)
- Balance (6)
- Beauty (11)
- Beginnings (12)
- Belief (3)
- Birth (10)
- Body (23)
- Bridging (1)
- Brokenness (22)
- Calling (7)
- Caring (35)
- Challenge (16)
- Change (8)
- Character (3)
- Children (38)
- Choice (8)
- Climate Justice (1)
- Coming-of-Age (1)
- Commitment (38)
- Community (79)
- Compassion (54)
- Conflict (6)
- Connections (42)
- Conscience (2)
- Contemplation (3)
- Courage (40)
- Covenant (7)
- Creativity (3)
- Death (24)
- Democracy (1)
- Depression (1)
- Despair (10)
- Dignity (6)
- Disability (1)
- Discernment (6)
- Diversity (8)
- Division (1)
- Doubt (2)
- Earth (8)
- Economy (1)
- Education (1)
- Empathy (9)
- Ending (3)
- Equity (2)
- Ethics (2)
- Evil (1)
- Failure (5)
- Faith (46)
- Fall (1)
- Family (39)
- Fathers (14)
- Fat Liberation (1)
- Fear (13)
- Food (1)
- Food Justice (1)
- Forgiveness (24)
- Freedom (12)
- Friendship (15)
- Gender (4)
- Generations (30)
- Generosity (8)
- Globalism (1)
- God (28)
- Goddess (1)
- Good (3)
- Governance (1)
- Grace (10)
- Gratitude (22)
- Grief (21)
- Growth (14)
- Guilt (1)
- Happiness (3)
- Healing (47)
- Health (4)
- History (8)
- Home (4)
- Honesty (3)
- Hope (70)
- Hospitality (11)
- Human Rights (1)
- Humility (6)
- Identity (10)
- Imagination (5)
- Immanence (5)
- Immigration (2)
- Inclusion (18)
- Individualism (1)
- Integrity (23)
- Interdependence (28)
- Intimacy (9)
- Journey (22)
- Joy (16)
- Justice (44)
- Kindness (10)
- Leadership (3)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (13)
- Letting Go (7)
- Limitations (3)
- Listening (5)
- Living Our Faith (41)
- Love (387)
- Marriage (3)
- Meaning (6)
- Men (2)
- Mental Health (4)
- Military (2)
- Ministry (2)
- Money (1)
- Mothers (22)
- Multiculturalism (4)
- Mystery (23)
- Nature (11)
- Nonviolence (1)
- Oppression (3)
- Pain (11)
- Parents (28)
- Patience (7)
- Peace (32)
- Personal Stories (1)
- Playfulness (9)
- Poverty (1)
- Power (13)
- Presence (18)
- Progress (2)
- Psychology (1)
- Purpose (29)
- Race/Ethnicity (3)
- Reason (2)
- Reconciliation (4)
- Redemption (2)
- Relationships (72)
- Religion (3)
- Respect (4)
- Responsibility (8)
- Revelation (1)
- Reverence (7)
- Sacred (22)
- Sacrifice (7)
- Salvation (11)
- Science (1)
- Searching (12)
- Self-Care (10)
- Self-Respect (16)
- Service (17)
- Sexuality (9)
- Shadow (1)
- Shame (2)
- Silence (3)
- Solidarity (12)
- Sorrow (10)
- Spirituality (10)
- Spiritual Practice (9)
- Spring (1)
- Stewardship (2)
- Strength (17)
- Stress (1)
- Suffering (5)
- Teamwork (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Tradition (11)
- Transcendence (16)
- Transformation (14)
- Trauma (1)
- Trust (9)
- Truth (18)
- Unity (19)
- Violence (6)
- Vision (6)
- Vulnerability (20)
- War (2)
- Weakness (3)
- Wholeness (18)
- Winter (6)
- Wisdom (11)
- Wonder (19)
- Work (5)
- Worry (4)
- Worth (11)
- Young Adults (4)
- Youth/Teens (1)
- Abbey Tennis (1)
- Addae Ama Kraba (1)
- Adrienne Maree Brown (2)
- Alex Jensen (1)
- Alex Swift (1)
- Alice Anacheka-Nasemann (1)
- Alicia R. Forde (1)
- Ali K.C. Bell (1)
- Amanda Poppei (2)
- AmyBeth Gibbs (1)
- Amy Carol Webb (1)
- Amy Johnson (1)
- Amy Petrie Shaw (1)
- Amy Young (1)
- Andrée Mol (1)
- Andrew Pakula (1)
- Andrew Tripp (1)
- Anne Mason (1)
- Annie Gonzalez Milliken (1)
- Anonymous (1)
- Ariel Hunt-Brondwin (1)
- Arif Mamdani (1)
- Ashley Horan (1)
- Austin Channing Brown (1)
- Barbara Child (1)
- Barbara Merritt (2)
- Becca Reynolds (1)
- Becky Brooks (4)
- Becky Laurent (1)
- bell hooks (1)
- Ben Soule (1)
- Bettye A Doty (1)
- Brian Doyle (1)
- Carey McDonald (1)
- Carie J Johnsen (1)
- Carol Allman-Morton (1)
- Carrie Holley-Hurt (1)
- Carter Heyward (1)
- Carter Smith (1)
- Charles A. Howe (2)
- Charles F Flagg (1)
- Charles Thomas (1)
- Cheryl Strayed (2)
- Chip Roush (1)
- Chris Rothbauer (1)
- Christin Green (1)
- Christopher Buice (3)
- Chrystal Hogan (1)
- Cindy Terlazzo (1)
- Claudene (Deane) Oliva (1)
- Cooper Garrett (1)
- Cynthia Landrum (6)
- D. Scott Cooper (1)
- Daniel Chesney Kanter (1)
- David Breeden (1)
- David O. Rankin (4)
- David Richo (3)
- David S Blanchard (1)
- Dawn Skjei Cooley (2)
- DC Fortune (1)
- Debra Faulk (1)
- Debra Haffner (1)
- DeEtte Waleed (1)
- Denise Tracy (1)
- Dennis McCarty (1)
- DeRay Mckesson (1)
- DeReau K. Farrar (1)
- Dillman Baker Sorrells (1)
- Dori J. Somers (1)
- Dorothy Day (1)
- Dorothy May Emerson (1)
- Douglas John Traversa (1)
- Duncan Metcalfe Eric Loftman (1)
- Earl K Holt III (1)
- Eileen B Karpeles (2)
- Elandria Williams (1)
- Elea Kemler (4)
- Elena Westbrook (1)
- Eliot Brian Chenowith (1)
- Elizabeth H. Norton (2)
- Elizabeth Harding (1)
- Elizabeth M McMaster (1)
- Elizabeth Mount (1)
- Elizabeth Tarbox (1)
- Ella Boyer (1)
- Ellen Rockett (5)
- Emma Merchant (1)
- enfleshed (2)
- Eric A Heller-Wagner (1)
- Erica Shadowsong (1)
- Eric Williams (3)
- Erika Hewitt (9)
- Frederick E Gillis (1)
- Fred Small (1)
- Gary Kowalski (4)
- Geoffrey Herbert (1)
- George A Tyger (1)
- George Kimmich Beach (1)
- Glen Thomas Rideout (1)
- Gordon B McKeeman (1)
- Gregory Pelley (1)
- Greg Ward (1)
- Gretchen Haley (1)
- Gwen Matthews (2)
- Heather K Janules (1)
- Heather Lynn Hanson (1)
- Heather Rion Starr (1)
- Heide Cottam (1)
- HP Rivers (1)
- Israel Buffardi (1)
- Jacqueline J. Lewis (1)
- Jaelynn Pema-la Scott (1)
- Jake Morrill (1)
- Jake Tidmore (1)
- James Morison (1)
- Jami A. Yandle (1)
- Jan Carlsson-Bull (1)
- Jane E Mauldin (1)
- Janeen K Grohsmeyer (1)
- Jan Richardson (1)
- Jason Shelton (3)
- Jay E Abernathy, Jr (1)
- Jay Wolin (2)
- Jean L Wahlstrom (1)
- Jean M. Olson (1)
- Jen Crow (1)
- Jenn Blosser (1)
- Jennifer Gracen (1)
- Jennifer Kitchen (1)
- Jessica Ferguson (4)
- Jim Burklo (1)
- Jim Magaw (1)
- Jim Wickman (1)
- Joan Javier-Duval (3)
- Joel Miller (2)
- John A. Buehrens (1)
- John C Morgan (1)
- John Gibb Millspaugh (1)
- John Parker Manwell (1)
- Jonathan Chapman (1)
- Jo VonRue (1)
- Judith L Quarles (1)
- Julie Taylor (1)
- Karen G. Johnston (2)
- Kate Landis (5)
- Kathleen McTigue (1)
- Kathleen Rolenz (1)
- Kathy A Huff (1)
- Katie Sivani Gelfand (1)
- Kat Liu (1)
- Kelly Murphy Mason (1)
- Kenneth R Warren (1)
- Ken Nye (1)
- Kent McKusick (1)
- Kevin Tarsa (1)
- Kiakiali Bordner (1)
- Kimberlee Anne Tomczak Carlson (1)
- Kim K. Crawford Harvie (1)
- Kirk D Loadman-Copeland (1)
- Kristin Grassel Schmidt (2)
- Kristin Joiner (1)
- Kristin Kany (1)
- Kyle Johnson (1)
- Laura Horton-Ludwig (4)
- Laura Riordan Berardi (1)
- Laura Solomon (1)
- Laura Thompson (1)
- Laura Wallace (2)
- Laurel S Sheridan (1)
- Leia Durland-Jones (1)
- Leslie Jamison (1)
- Leslie Takahashi (1)
- Libbie D Stoddard (1)
- Lilia Cuervo (1)
- Linda Barnes (1)
- Linda lee Franson (1)
- Lindasusan Ulrich (4)
- Lisa Bovee-Kemper (1)
- Lisa Doege (2)
- Lisa Friedman (1)
- Lois Van Leer (1)
- Lora Brandis (1)
- Lori Gorgas Hlaban (1)
- Lori Walke (1)
- Lucas Hergert (1)
- Lyn Cox (2)
- Mandie McGlynn (1)
- Mark Belletini (2)
- Mark D. Morrison-Reed (1)
- Mark Mosher DeWolfe (1)
- Mark Nepo (1)
- Martha Kirby Capo (1)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. (2)
- Maryah Converse (1)
- Maryell Cleary (1)
- Mary Frances Comer (1)
- Maureen Killoran (10)
- Megan Devine (1)
- Megan Visser (1)
- Meg Barnhouse (1)
- Meg Riley (1)
- Melissa Jeter (6)
- Michelle Collins (1)
- Misha Sanders (1)
- Molly Housh Gordon (1)
- Monica Jacobson-Tennessen (1)
- Myke Johnson (1)
- Nadine McSpadden (1)
- Nancee Campbell (1)
- Naomi King (2)
- Natalie Maxwell Fenimore (1)
- Nathan Ryan (1)
- Ndidi Achebe (2)
- Oberlin UU Fellowship, Oberlin, OH (1)
- Patty Willis (1)
- Paul H Beattie (1)
- Paul Sprecher (2)
- Paul S Sawyer (1)
- Peggy Clarke (1)
- Peter Friedrichs (1)
- Peter Scott Lee (1)
- Philip Larson (1)
- Philip Randall Giles (1)
- Phoenix Bell-Shelton Biggs (1)
- Quinn G. Caldwell (1)
- Rachel Lonberg (1)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1)
- Randolph Becker (1)
- Rayla D. Mattson (1)
- Rebecca A Edmiston-Lange (1)
- Rebecca Ann Parker (8)
- Rebecka Clement (1)
- Rebekah Savage (2)
- Reinhold Neibuhr (2)
- Renee Ruchotzke (1)
- Rev. Molly Brewer (1)
- Richard F. Beil (1)
- Richard M Fewkes (1)
- Richard S. Gilbert (1)
- Robert L. Eller-Isaacs (1)
- Robert Walsh (2)
- Rosemary Morrison (2)
- Ruben Piirainen (1)
- S. William Feiss (1)
- Sam Trumbore (1)
- Sam Turton (1)
- Sandra Fees (1)
- Sarah C Stewart (2)
- Sarah Gibb Millspaugh (1)
- Sarah Lammert (1)
- Sarah Movius Schurr (1)
- Sara Sutherland Dean (1)
- Sean Parker Dennison (1)
- Shari Woodbury (2)
- Stephen M. Shick (3)
- Steve Stock (1)
- Susan Frederick-Gray (1)
- Susan Karlson (1)
- Susan Maginn (2)
- Susan Manker-Seale (1)
- Suzelle Lynch (1)
- Sydney K Wilde (1)
- Tamara Lebak (1)
- Tandi Rogers (1)
- Tanya Cothran (1)
- Terasa Cooley (1)
- Tess Baumberger (2)
- Thomas Rhodes (2)
- Thom Belote (1)
- Tim Atkins (4)
- Tom Goldsmith (1)
- Tomo Hillbo (1)
- Tom Schade (2)
- Tracy Johnson (1)
- Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council (2)
- Vanessa Rush Southern (2)
- Victoria Safford (2)
- Viola Abbitt (1)
- Wayne B. Arnason (2)
- William G. Sinkford (1)
- William J. Barber II (1)
- Yolo Akili (1)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 387
Turn toward the thaw, and turn toward the rebirth of spring with New Hope.Prayer | By Christin Green | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Body, Despair, Gratitude, Hope, Love, Worry, WorshipWeb, Worship
Illuminate our hearts and the spaces between them in this Sacred Time of unfolding.Chalice Lighting | By Tracy Johnson | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Love, Wisdom, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
May this flag inspire us to live with pride, to embrace our truths, and to unite in the face of adversity.Blessing | By Michelle Collins | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: #LGBTQ, #LoveResists, #Pride, Anti-Oppression, Commitment, Equity, Gender, Identity, Justice, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Love, Relationships, Solidarity, WorshipWeb, Worship
Love this world, she whispers.Poetry | By Rebecca Ann Parker | November 30, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Advent, Beauty, Brokenness, Earth, Love, Wholeness, Winter Solstice / Yule, Wonder, WorshipWeb, Worship
Building relationships requires the risk of being open and curious.Reflection | By Melissa Jeter | November 22, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Community, Compassion, Connections, Healing, Humanism, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Secular, Trauma, Unitarian Universalism, Worship
What if sometimes it’s about sparking potential into possibility, and possibility into existence?Chalice Lighting | By Lisa Doege | November 17, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Beginnings, Hope, Journey, Justice, Love, Peace, WorshipWeb, Worship
Love holds all of you.Benediction | By Carrie Holley-Hurt | September 15, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Immanence, Love, Transcendence
May you be tender and gentle with yourselfPrayer | By Katie Sivani Gelfand | September 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Brokenness, Disaster or Crisis, Grief, Love, Self-Care, Self-Respect, Stress, Transformation, WorshipWeb, Worship
In our lived lives, family comes in different shapes and sizes and constellations.It is in this variety—this diversity—that our lives are made fuller and our individual selves made more whole. It is in this variety, it is in this diversity, that we look back to the ancestors, recognizing no...Reading | By Karen G. Johnston | August 17, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Family, Generations, Integrity, Love, Memorial Services, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
How can I be love instead of being anger and fear?Reflection | By DeEtte Waleed | March 29, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Disaster or Crisis, Integrity, Love, Violence, Worship
Loving sometimes takes all that we have.Responsive Reading | By Patty Willis | March 8, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship, Love, Relationships, WorshipWeb, Worship
Love shows up in complicated conversations.Reflection | By Jo VonRue | February 1, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Children, Direct Experience, Love, Poverty, Shame, Worship
The circle of evergreens reminds us that life and love will never end.Ritual | By Rosemary Morrison | January 26, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Advent, Christianity, Hope, Joy, Love, Peace, Spiritual Practice
Let us be grateful for the vital force that wakes us and moves us.Reflection | By Melissa Jeter | January 25, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: #BlackLivesMatter, America, Body, Generations, Love, Race/Ethnicity, Worship
Love is reaching through the generations with expectations that I live through challenging times.Reflection | By Melissa Jeter | November 2, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Direct Experience, Earth, Fall, Family, Generations, Healing, Love, Presence, Worship
You are loved beyond your wildest imaginings by the spirit of creation.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 7th Principle (Interconnected Web), Acceptance, Awe, Connections, Direct Experience, Earth-Centered, God, Interdependence, Love, Mental Health, Mystery, Wonder
Can we enfold other people in the way we long to be enfolded?Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Healing, Hope, Love
I didn’t know the human heart could hold so much love before I met this congregation.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Community, Love, Salvation, Spiritual Practice, Unitarian Universalism, Unity
Can I love all of me, even the peevish parts?Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Buddhism, Compassion, Direct Experience, Forgiveness, Love, Mental Health
Our family secret is soul-sucking depression.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Depression, Direct Experience, Family, Healing, Hope, Love, Mental Health, Secular, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
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WorshipWeb's Origin Story
Conceived in 1999, WorshipWeb was implemented in late 2000 and 2001 through funding from the Unitarian Universalist Association's successful 1997 "Handing on the Future" capital fund campaign.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and its members in the development of WorshipWeb.