To search for resources that support January's Soul Matter theme of Liberating Love, toggle the red arrow below and search for Spiritual Themes of: Love, Liberation, Justice, Freedom
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- #BlackLivesMatter (1)
- #COVID19 (14)
- #LoveResists (1)
- #Pride (1)
- 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity) (67)
- 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion) (51)
- 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth) (107)
- 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning) (47)
- 5th Principle (Conscience & Democracy) (9)
- 6th Principle (World Community) (33)
- 7th Principle (Interconnected Web) (44)
- Abundance (20)
- Acceptance (51)
- Activism (16)
- Addiction/Recovery (1)
- Advent (4)
- Aging (1)
- Agnosticism (2)
- All Souls Day (2)
- America (9)
- Anger (3)
- Animals (3)
- Anti-Oppression (28)
- Arts & Music (11)
- Atheism (3)
- Authority (1)
- Autumnal Equinox (2)
- Awe (10)
- Backpack Blessing (3)
- Balance (1)
- Beauty (10)
- Beginnings (16)
- Belief (1)
- Birth (1)
- Body (13)
- Bridging (2)
- Bridging Ceremony (2)
- Brokenness (18)
- Buddhism (1)
- Building/Space Dedication (11)
- Building Community (1)
- Business Meetings (11)
- Calling (6)
- Caring (39)
- Challenge (20)
- Change (10)
- Character (2)
- Child Dedication (9)
- Children (21)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (6)
- Children's Sabbath (4)
- Choice (4)
- Christianity (17)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (9)
- Coming-of-Age (3)
- Coming of Age (4)
- Coming Out (2)
- Commitment (61)
- Communication (1)
- Communion (Christian) (3)
- (-) Community (408)
- Community Ministry Sunday (1)
- Compassion (37)
- Compromise (4)
- Conflict (7)
- Connections (67)
- Conscience (5)
- Contemplation (6)
- Courage (23)
- Covenant (23)
- Creativity (6)
- Culture (1)
- Death (5)
- Democracy (5)
- Despair (10)
- Día de los Muertos (2)
- Dignity (5)
- Direct Experience (94)
- Disability (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Disaster or Crisis (14)
- Discernment (4)
- Dissent (1)
- Diversity (20)
- Division (2)
- Doubt (3)
- Earth (26)
- Earth-Centered (25)
- Earth Day (3)
- Easter (4)
- Economy (2)
- Education (2)
- Empathy (5)
- Ending (3)
- Environment (1)
- Equity (2)
- Ethics (2)
- Failure (1)
- Faith (40)
- Fall (1)
- Family (17)
- Fathers (4)
- Fear (15)
- Flower Communion (4)
- Food (11)
- Food Justice (3)
- Forgiveness (6)
- Freedom (12)
- Friendship (20)
- Generations (23)
- Generosity (18)
- Globalism (2)
- God (4)
- Good (4)
- Governance (2)
- Grace (5)
- Graduation Recognition (1)
- Gratitude (35)
- Grief (10)
- Growth (25)
- Halloween (2)
- Happiness (5)
- Healing (27)
- Health (1)
- Hinduism (2)
- History (14)
- Home (11)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (15)
- Honesty (2)
- Hope (67)
- Hospitality (27)
- Humanism (63)
- Human Rights (2)
- Humility (3)
- Identity (17)
- Illness (1)
- IllUUmination (1)
- Imagination (2)
- Imbolc / Brighid's Day / Candlemas (3)
- Immanence (2)
- Immigration (3)
- Inclusion (47)
- Indigenous Peoples Day (1)
- Individualism (4)
- Installations (6)
- Integrity (20)
- Interdependence (58)
- International (11)
- Intimacy (1)
- Islam (5)
- Journey (19)
- Joy (26)
- Joys & Concerns (2)
- Judaism (7)
- July 4th (1)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Justice (32)
- Justice Sunday (1)
- Kindness (10)
- Kwanzaa (1)
- Labor Day (2)
- Leadership (20)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (5)
- Letting Go (9)
- LGBTQ Welcome & Equality (1)
- Limitations (6)
- Listening (8)
- Living Our Faith (40)
- Love (79)
- Meaning (12)
- Memorial Day (2)
- Memorial Services (4)
- Mental Health (3)
- Ministerial Transition (4)
- Ministry (3)
- Money (2)
- Mother's Day (1)
- Mothers (4)
- Mourning (1)
- Multiculturalism (12)
- Music Sunday (3)
- Mystery (10)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
- Nature (21)
- New Child (2)
- New Home (2)
- New Member Ceremony (8)
- New Year (5)
- Oppression (3)
- Ordinations (3)
- Paganism (5)
- Pain (7)
- Parents (7)
- Passover (Pesach) (2)
- Patience (1)
- Peace (15)
- Personal Inspiration (1)
- Personal Stories (6)
- Playfulness (10)
- Politics (4)
- Power (10)
- Presence (19)
- Pride Sunday (4)
- Progress (2)
- Prophetic Words & Deeds (31)
- Purpose (61)
- Quinceañera (1)
- Race/Ethnicity (12)
- Reason (1)
- Reconciliation (9)
- Redemption (1)
- Relationships (72)
- Religion (1)
- Remembrance Day (3)
- Respect (1)
- Responsibility (19)
- Reverence (14)
- Rosh Hashanah (4)
- Sacred (32)
- Sacrifice (2)
- Salvation (5)
- Samhain (2)
- Science (2)
- Scout Sunday (1)
- Searching (18)
- Secular (46)
- Self-Care (4)
- Self-Respect (12)
- Service (27)
- Seven Principles (14)
- Silence (3)
- Simplicity (2)
- Solidarity (29)
- Sorrow (8)
- Spirituality (10)
- Spiritual Practice (5)
- Spring (2)
- Stewardship (6)
- Strength (25)
- Stress (1)
- Suffering (5)
- Summer (1)
- Summer Solstice (1)
- Table Grace (4)
- Taoism (1)
- Teacher Dedication (2)
- Teacher Recognition (2)
- Teamwork (11)
- Thanksgiving (6)
- Tradition (14)
- Transcendence (7)
- Transformation (18)
- Transgender Day of Remembrance (1)
- Trauma (3)
- Trust (13)
- Truth (9)
- Twelfth Night / Epiphany (2)
- Unitarianism (4)
- Unitarian Universalism (186)
- Unity (73)
- Universalism (5)
- Valentine's Day (3)
- Vernal Equinox (1)
- Violence (2)
- Vision (12)
- Vulnerability (11)
- Water Communion (13)
- Wholeness (15)
- Winter (3)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (8)
- Wisdom (7)
- Wonder (12)
- Work (6)
- Worry (1)
- Worship (35)
- Worth (5)
- Yom Kippur (4)
- Young Adults (2)
- Youth/Teens (7)
- Youth Sunday (1)
- Advent (4)
- All Souls Day (2)
- Autumnal Equinox (2)
- Backpack Blessing (3)
- Bridging Ceremony (2)
- Building/Space Dedication (11)
- Business Meetings (11)
- Child Dedication (9)
- Children's / Religious Education Sunday (6)
- Children's Sabbath (4)
- Christmas Eve / Christmas (9)
- Coming of Age (4)
- Coming Out (2)
- Communion (Christian) (3)
- Community Ministry Sunday (1)
- Día de los Muertos (2)
- Disaster or Crisis (14)
- Earth Day (3)
- Easter (4)
- Flower Communion (4)
- Graduation Recognition (1)
- Halloween (2)
- Homecoming / Ingathering (15)
- IllUUmination (1)
- Imbolc / Brighid's Day / Candlemas (3)
- Indigenous Peoples Day (1)
- Installations (6)
- Joys & Concerns (2)
- July 4th (1)
- Juneteenth (1)
- Justice Sunday (1)
- Kwanzaa (1)
- Labor Day (2)
- Memorial Day (2)
- Memorial Services (4)
- Ministerial Transition (4)
- Mother's Day (1)
- Mourning (1)
- Music Sunday (3)
- National Coming Out Day (2)
- New Child (2)
- New Home (2)
- New Member Ceremony (8)
- New Year (5)
- Ordinations (3)
- Passover (Pesach) (2)
- Pride Sunday (4)
- Quinceañera (1)
- Remembrance Day (3)
- Rosh Hashanah (4)
- Samhain (2)
- Scout Sunday (1)
- Summer Solstice (1)
- Table Grace (4)
- Teacher Dedication (2)
- Teacher Recognition (2)
- Thanksgiving (6)
- Transgender Day of Remembrance (1)
- Twelfth Night / Epiphany (2)
- Valentine's Day (3)
- Vernal Equinox (1)
- Water Communion (13)
- Winter Solstice / Yule (8)
- Yom Kippur (4)
- Youth Sunday (1)
- Abundance (20)
- Acceptance (51)
- Activism (16)
- Addiction/Recovery (1)
- Aging (1)
- America (9)
- Anger (3)
- Animals (3)
- Anti-Oppression (28)
- Arts & Music (11)
- Authority (1)
- Awe (10)
- Balance (1)
- Beauty (10)
- Beginnings (16)
- Belief (1)
- Birth (1)
- Body (13)
- Bridging (2)
- Brokenness (18)
- Calling (6)
- Caring (39)
- Challenge (20)
- Change (10)
- Character (2)
- Children (21)
- Choice (4)
- Coming-of-Age (3)
- Commitment (61)
- Community (408)
- Compassion (37)
- Compromise (4)
- Conflict (7)
- Connections (67)
- Conscience (5)
- Contemplation (6)
- Courage (23)
- Covenant (23)
- Creativity (6)
- Culture (1)
- Death (5)
- Democracy (5)
- Despair (10)
- Dignity (5)
- Disability (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Discernment (4)
- Dissent (1)
- Diversity (20)
- Division (2)
- Doubt (3)
- Earth (26)
- Economy (2)
- Education (2)
- Empathy (5)
- Ending (3)
- Environment (1)
- Equity (2)
- Ethics (2)
- Failure (1)
- Faith (40)
- Fall (1)
- Family (17)
- Fathers (4)
- Fear (15)
- Food (11)
- Food Justice (3)
- Forgiveness (6)
- Freedom (12)
- Friendship (20)
- Generations (23)
- Generosity (18)
- Globalism (2)
- God (4)
- Good (4)
- Governance (2)
- Grace (5)
- Gratitude (35)
- Grief (10)
- Growth (25)
- Happiness (5)
- Healing (27)
- Health (1)
- History (14)
- Home (11)
- Honesty (2)
- Hope (67)
- Hospitality (27)
- Human Rights (2)
- Humility (3)
- Identity (17)
- Illness (1)
- Imagination (2)
- Immanence (2)
- Immigration (3)
- Inclusion (47)
- Individualism (4)
- Integrity (20)
- Interdependence (58)
- Intimacy (1)
- Journey (19)
- Joy (26)
- Justice (32)
- Kindness (10)
- Leadership (20)
- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer (5)
- Letting Go (9)
- Limitations (6)
- Listening (8)
- Living Our Faith (40)
- Love (79)
- Meaning (12)
- Mental Health (3)
- Ministry (3)
- Money (2)
- Mothers (4)
- Multiculturalism (12)
- Mystery (10)
- Nature (21)
- Oppression (3)
- Pain (7)
- Parents (7)
- Patience (1)
- Peace (15)
- Personal Stories (6)
- Playfulness (10)
- Politics (4)
- Power (10)
- Presence (19)
- Progress (2)
- Purpose (61)
- Race/Ethnicity (12)
- Reason (1)
- Reconciliation (9)
- Redemption (1)
- Relationships (72)
- Religion (1)
- Respect (1)
- Responsibility (19)
- Reverence (14)
- Sacred (32)
- Sacrifice (2)
- Salvation (5)
- Science (2)
- Searching (18)
- Self-Care (4)
- Self-Respect (12)
- Service (27)
- Silence (3)
- Simplicity (2)
- Solidarity (29)
- Sorrow (8)
- Spirituality (10)
- Spiritual Practice (5)
- Spring (2)
- Stewardship (6)
- Strength (25)
- Stress (1)
- Suffering (5)
- Summer (1)
- Teamwork (11)
- Tradition (14)
- Transcendence (7)
- Transformation (18)
- Trauma (3)
- Trust (13)
- Truth (9)
- Unity (73)
- Violence (2)
- Vision (12)
- Vulnerability (11)
- Wholeness (15)
- Winter (3)
- Wisdom (7)
- Wonder (12)
- Work (6)
- Worry (1)
- Worth (5)
- Young Adults (2)
- Youth/Teens (7)
- Aaron Payson (1)
- Adam Slate (1)
- Addae Ama Kraba (1)
- Adrian L. H. Graham (2)
- Aisha Ansano (1)
- Alex Haider-Winnett (1)
- Alexis Capen (1)
- Alex Rollin (1)
- Alison Wohler (1)
- Alix Klingenberg (1)
- Amanda Poppei (1)
- Amanda Schuber (1)
- Amy Bowden Freedman (1)
- Amy McCreath (1)
- Amy Russell (1)
- Amy Williams Clark (1)
- Amy Zucker Morgenstern (3)
- Andrea Hawkins-Kamper (4)
- Andrew C Kennedy (1)
- Andrew Millard (1)
- Andrew Pakula (2)
- Andrew Weber (1)
- Anne Barker (1)
- Annie Foerster (1)
- Anya Sammler-Michael (1)
- Aram Mitchell (1)
- Arlen Goff (2)
- Ashley Horan (1)
- Atticus Palmer (1)
- Audette Fulbright Fulson (1)
- Axel H Gehrmann (1)
- Barbara Cheatham (2)
- Barbara F. Meyers (1)
- Barbara J Pescan (1)
- Barnaby Feder (2)
- Bear W. Qolezcua (1)
- Beatrice Hitchcock (1)
- Becky Brooks (1)
- bell hooks (1)
- Ben Atherton-Zeman (1)
- Ben Soule (2)
- Bets Wienecke (2)
- Bill Neely (1)
- Bruce Southworth (2)
- Burton D. Carley (1)
- Caitlin Breedlove (1)
- Caitlin Cotter Coillberg (1)
- Carie J Johnsen (1)
- Carol Meyer (1)
- Carolyn S Owen-Towle (1)
- Carter Smith (1)
- Catherine Callahan (1)
- Cathy Cartwright-Chow (1)
- Cathy Rion Starr (2)
- Charles A. Howe (1)
- Cheryl Block (2)
- Chip Roush (2)
- Chris Rothbauer (1)
- Christian Schmidt (1)
- Christine Robinson (1)
- Christine Slocum (2)
- Christin Green (2)
- Christopher Buice (1)
- Christopher Sims (1)
- Chrystal Hogan (1)
- Claire Feingold Thoryn (1)
- Connie Simon (2)
- cristy cardinal (1)
- Cynthia Landrum (5)
- Dale Hudson (1)
- Dana E Worsnop (1)
- Dan Lambert (1)
- David Breeden (2)
- David S Blanchard (1)
- Dawn Skjei Cooley (2)
- Deanna Vandiver (1)
- Debra Burrell (1)
- Debra Faulk (2)
- Debra Haffner (2)
- Dillman Baker Sorrells (1)
- Dori J. Somers (1)
- Dorothy Day (1)
- Douglas Taylor (1)
- Ean Huntington Behr (1)
- Elandria Williams (1)
- Elea Kemler (2)
- Elena Westbrook (1)
- Elizabeth Harding (1)
- Elizabeth Lerner Maclay (1)
- Elizabeth M Strong (1)
- Elizabeth Nguyen (1)
- Ellen Hamilton (1)
- Ellen Rockett (2)
- Emma Merchant (1)
- Emmy Lou Belcher (1)
- Eric A Heller-Wagner (1)
- Erika Hewitt (11)
- Erik Walker Wikstrom (5)
- Everett Howe (1)
- Florence Caplow (1)
- Gail Sphar (1)
- Gary Kowalski (6)
- George A Tyger (1)
- George Kimmich Beach (1)
- Gina Valdés (1)
- Gordon B McKeeman (3)
- Gregory Pelley (1)
- Greg Ward (1)
- Gretchen Haley (2)
- Gwen Matthews (1)
- Hannah Roberts Villnave (1)
- Harold E Babcock (1)
- Heather Christensen (1)
- Heather K Janules (1)
- Hope Johnson (1)
- Howard Thurman (1)
- Ian W. Riddell (1)
- Israel Buffardi (1)
- Jaelynn Pema-la Scott (1)
- James (Jay) C Leach (1)
- James Baldwin (1)
- Jamie Dorer (1)
- Janet Parsons (1)
- Jason Shelton (1)
- Jean L Wahlstrom (1)
- Jeff Liebmann (1)
- Jeff May (1)
- Jenn Blosser (1)
- Jennifer Gracen (1)
- Jennifer Kitchen (1)
- Jennifer Stokes (1)
- Jennifer Willet (1)
- Jessica York (1)
- Jim Magaw (1)
- Joan Javier-Duval (4)
- Joanne Giannino (1)
- Joel Miller (2)
- John C Morgan (1)
- John Gibb Millspaugh (1)
- John Saxon (2)
- Jonalu Johnstone (1)
- Jonathan Craig (1)
- Joseph M. Cherry (1)
- Josh, Prudence, & Percival Robern (1)
- Jo VonRue (1)
- Judith L Quarles (3)
- Karen G. Johnston (6)
- Kari Kopnick (1)
- Kate Howard (1)
- Kate Landis (3)
- Kate Lore (1)
- Kathryn Estey (1)
- Kathy A Huff (1)
- Katie Romano Griffin (1)
- Katie Sivani Gelfand (2)
- Katie Stein Sather (1)
- Kelly Murphy Mason (1)
- Kendyl L. R. Gibbons (1)
- Kenneth Claus (1)
- Kiakiali Bordner (1)
- Kimberlee Anne Tomczak Carlson (1)
- Kimberly Quinn Johnson (1)
- Krista Taves (2)
- Laura Bogle (1)
- Laura Randall (1)
- Laura Shay (1)
- Laura Solomon (1)
- Laura Thompson (1)
- Laura Wallace (2)
- Lauren Wyeth (1)
- Lawrence E McGinty (1)
- Leia Durland-Jones (1)
- Leslie Takahashi (3)
- Libbie D Stoddard (1)
- Li Kynvi (1)
- Linda M Hansen (1)
- Lindasusan Ulrich (5)
- Linette Lowe (1)
- Lisa Doege (1)
- Liz James (2)
- Liz Weber (1)
- Lorelei Greenwood-Jones (1)
- Louise A Robeck (1)
- Lucas Hergert (1)
- Lyn Cox (4)
- Lynn Ungar (2)
- Maddie Sifantus (1)
- Manish Mishra-Marzetti (1)
- Marcus Liefert (1)
- Margaret Weis (1)
- Marilyn Falkowski (1)
- Mark Belletini (1)
- Mark Glovin (1)
- Marni Harmony (1)
- Marta I. Valentín (1)
- Martha Dallas (1)
- Martha Kirby Capo (2)
- Maryah Converse (5)
- Mary Wellemeyer (1)
- Ma Theresa "Tet" Gustilo Gallardo (1)
- Matthew Rosin (1)
- Maureen Killoran (10)
- Megan Visser (1)
- Meg Barnhouse (2)
- Melissa Carvill-Ziemer (1)
- Melissa Jeter (1)
- Michael DeVernon Boblett (1)
- Michael J. Tino (2)
- Michelle Buhite (1)
- Michelle LaGrave (1)
- Molly Housh Gordon (2)
- Monica Dobbins (1)
- Nancee Campbell (1)
- Nancy McDonald Ladd (1)
- Nancy Reid-McKee (1)
- Nancy Shaffer (1)
- Naomi King (1)
- Nathan Ryan (1)
- Ndidi Achebe (1)
- Nicole Janelle (1)
- Nicole McKay (1)
- Oberlin UU Fellowship, Oberlin, OH (1)
- Parker J. Palmer (1)
- Pat Lamanna (1)
- Patricia Shelden (1)
- Patrick T O'Neill (1)
- Pat Uribe-Lichty (1)
- Paul H L'Herrou (1)
- Paul J. Wadell (1)
- Paul Sprecher (3)
- Peter Scott Lee (1)
- Phoenix Bell-Shelton Biggs (1)
- Phyllis L. Hubbell (1)
- Rachel Rott (1)
- Ranwa Hammamy (1)
- Raquel V. Reyes (1)
- Rayla D. Mattson (1)
- Rebecca Ann Parker (1)
- Rebecca Pankhurst (1)
- Rebekah Savage (1)
- Renee Ruchotzke (2)
- Richard M Fewkes (1)
- Richard S. Gilbert (3)
- Richard Trudeau (1)
- Robin F. Gray (3)
- Robin Tanner (3)
- Rod Richards (1)
- Ruth E Gibson (1)
- Sam Trumbore (2)
- Sam Turton (1)
- Sandra Fees (1)
- Sarah C Stewart (1)
- Sarah Lammert (2)
- Scott Phillips (1)
- Sean Neil-Barron (1)
- Sean Parker Dennison (2)
- Seth Carrier-Ladd (1)
- Shari Woodbury (4)
- Sharon Wylie (1)
- Sheldon W Bennett (1)
- Sobonfu Somé (1)
- Starhawk (1)
- Steve Stock (1)
- Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe (1)
- Susan Enzweiler (1)
- Susan Frederick-Gray (1)
- Susan Maginn (2)
- Susan Manker-Seale (1)
- Sylvia L Howe (1)
- Tamara Lebak (1)
- Tania Márquez (2)
- Tara Humphries (1)
- Teresa Honey Youngblood (3)
- Tess Baumberger (4)
- Theresa I. Soto (1)
- Thomas Rhodes (2)
- Tiffany Sapp (1)
- Tony Lorenzen (1)
- Tori Jameson (1)
- Vance Bass (1)
- Vanessa Titang (2)
- Victoria Weinstein (2)
- Viola Abbitt (4)
- Yolo Akili (1)
- Yuri Yamamoto (1)
- Zach Norris (1)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 408
The journey toward inner truth is too taxing to be made solo.Reading | By Parker J. Palmer | December 14, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Contemplation, Discernment, Journey, Searching, Truth, WorshipWeb, Worship
In this heartbreak what we carry forth is our humanity in newly revealed form—our hearts tender and delicate.Prayer | By Vanessa Titang | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Brokenness, Community, Compassion, Disaster or Crisis, Grief, Healing, Trauma, WorshipWeb, Worship
There is room here for each and every one. Come in. Be among us.Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Caring, Community, Hospitality, Inclusion, Searching, WorshipWeb, Worship
Welcome, all who seek renewal in a weary world.Welcome | By Shari Woodbury | December 11, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Connections, Friendship, Generations, Hope, Interdependence, WorshipWeb, Worship
Let us remember that we are not alone until we light this flame next time.Chalice Extinguishing | By Ben Atherton-Zeman | December 11, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Commitment, Community, Connections, Relationships, WorshipWeb, Worship
Building relationships requires the risk of being open and curious.Reflection | By Melissa Jeter | November 22, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Community, Compassion, Connections, Healing, Humanism, Love, Mental Health, Relationships, Secular, Trauma, Unitarian Universalism, Worship
I believe that we are all "life drummers" just waiting to join in the rhythm.Reflection | By Christin Green | October 25, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Acceptance, Body, Community, Direct Experience, Interdependence, Self-Respect, Worship
May we view each other as partners, comrades, friends on the journeyPrayer | By Christin Green | August 1, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Business Meetings, Community, Living Our Faith, Purpose, WorshipWeb, Worship
We gather this morning as one communityChalice Lighting | By Adam Slate | March 9, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Connections, Individualism, Unity, WorshipWeb, Worship
Every time we open ourselves to one another, we become more human.Reflection | By Tania Márquez | December 14, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Children, Christianity, Community, Generations, Inclusion, International, Race/Ethnicity, Worship
Queer joy is resistance.Reflection | By cristy cardinal | November 23, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: #LoveResists, #Pride, 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 2nd Principle (Justice, Equity, & Compassion), Activism, Anti-Oppression, Community, Direct Experience, Humanism, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Pride Sunday, Solidarity, Unitarian Universalism, Worship
Can we enfold other people in the way we long to be enfolded?Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Healing, Hope, Love
I didn’t know the human heart could hold so much love before I met this congregation.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Community, Love, Salvation, Spiritual Practice, Unitarian Universalism, Unity
The only way we survive this modern agony is together.Reading | By Kate Landis | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Brokenness, Community, Compassion, Connections, Globalism, Humanism, Mental Health, Unity
What happens when you don’t agree?Story | By Renee Ruchotzke | October 18, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Choice, Community, Compromise, Conflict, Relationships, WorshipWeb, Worship
Can we find space for lifting our heads in wonder—that we’re still striving, still trying togetherChalice Lighting | By Li Kynvi | August 10, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Business Meetings, Commitment, Community, Faith, Hope, Identity, Living Our Faith, Purpose, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
People of faith are experts in human kindness.Reading | By Barbara F. Meyers | July 27, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Addiction/Recovery, Caring, Community, Healing, Hope, Kindness, Mental Health
Hold us gently as we gather closer together, comforting each other, healing each other.Prayer | By Vanessa Titang | May 26, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Disaster or Crisis, Transcendence, WorshipWeb, Worship
May our beacon of hope give you respiteChalice Lighting | By Joseph M. Cherry | May 4, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Community, Good, Hope, Strength, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
You can crush Love down, bury it, cover it over, but it will rise.Reflection | By Molly Housh Gordon | April 6, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Christianity, Community, Easter, Love, Mystery, Purpose, Worship
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WorshipWeb's Origin Story
Conceived in 1999, WorshipWeb was implemented in late 2000 and 2001 through funding from the Unitarian Universalist Association's successful 1997 "Handing on the Future" capital fund campaign.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and its members in the development of WorshipWeb.