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- Aisha Ansano (1)
- Alex Haider-Winnett (1)
- Amanda Udis-Kessler (1)
- Amy McCreath (1)
- Arlen Goff (1)
- Becky Laurent (1)
- Bob Janis-Dillon (1)
- Carie J Johnsen (1)
- Connie Simon (1)
- Cynthia Landrum (1)
- David Glasgow (1)
- Dawn Skjei Cooley (1)
- Debra Haffner (1)
- DeReau K. Farrar (1)
- Douglas Taylor (1)
- Eliot Brian Chenowith (1)
- Erica Baron (1)
- Eric Williams (1)
- Erika Hewitt (1)
- Erin J. Walter (1)
- Glen Thomas Rideout (1)
- Israel Buffardi (1)
- Jason Shelton (2)
- Jennie Freiberger (2)
- Joanna Fontaine Crawford (1)
- Joel Tishken (1)
- Joseph Cleveland (1)
- Julie Conrady (1)
- Karen G. Johnston (1)
- Katie Romano Griffin (1)
- Kat Liu (1)
- Kendyl L. R. Gibbons (1)
- Kimberly Quinn Johnson (2)
- Laura Horton-Ludwig (1)
- Linda Hirschhorn (1)
- Lisa Doege (1)
- Lynn Ungar (1)
- Manish Mishra-Marzetti (1)
- Marnie Singer (1)
- Martha Dallas (2)
- Maureen Killoran (1)
- Michelle Collins (1)
- Perry Beider (1)
- Phyllis B O'Connell (1)
- Ralph Yeager Roberts (14)
- Renee Ruchotzke (1)
- Richard S. Gilbert (1)
- Robert Walsh (1)
- Sean Parker Dennison (2)
- Susan L Van Dreser (1)
- Talia Cooper (1)
- Tara Humphries (1)
- Tim Atkins (1)
- Yuri Yamamoto (1)
Displaying 1 - 20 of 71
We light this chalice, so that by its light we may read ALL the books…Chalice Lighting | By Julie Conrady | December 13, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, Humanism, Unitarian Universalism, WorshipWeb, Worship
We call for the freedom and the right for all stories to be freely shared.Blessing | By Michelle Collins | December 12, 2023 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, WorshipWeb, Worship
Holy Reconciler, help us make peace with each other.Reflection | By Amanda Udis-Kessler | November 15, 2023 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Arts & Music, Conflict, Division, Friendship, Peace, Politics, Relationships, Secular, Worship
If love is a law, how may I follow it with more faithfulness?Reflection | By Joanna Fontaine Crawford | December 21, 2022 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Arts & Music, Christianity, Conscience, God, Justice, Worship
New lyrics for #358 to correct its original ableism.Music | By Kendyl L. R. Gibbons, Cynthia Landrum | March 30, 2022 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Arts & Music, Installations, Ministerial Transition, Ordinations, WorshipWeb, Worship
In that city, music spills from concert rooms both large and small...Music | By Perry Beider | November 17, 2021 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Arts & Music, WorshipWeb, Worship
Spirit of Life who dwells before and between and beyond all words… we open ourselves to you.Reflection | By David Glasgow | November 17, 2021 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 1st Principle (Worth & Dignity), 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Anti-Oppression, Arts & Music, Coming Out, Courage, Direct Experience, Friendship, Identity, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer, Pride Sunday, Secular, Solidarity, Worship
I experience the creative impulse as living just under the surface of the daily grind: tugging; imploring, When do we all get to sing together again?Reflection | By Erin J. Walter | January 6, 2021 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: #COVID19, Arts & Music, Creativity, Direct Experience, Humanism, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Self-Care, Worship
music arises from depths unknown often without words but never without meaning and spirit rises from deep within me seducing my body to join the song first a tremor in the soul, then tapping of toes breath aligns with breath, heart beats in syncopation and a stuttering buzz in my throat becomes a...Opening | By Arlen Goff | May 4, 2020 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Arts & Music, Body, Community, Direct Experience, Joy, Music Sunday, Secular, Wonder
We're grateful to Linda Hirschhorn for sharing her song, created in March 2020 and inspired a Bertolt Brecht quote: "In the dark times will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing about the dark times.” Linda invites your feedback...Music | By Linda Hirschhorn | March 23, 2020 | From WorshipWebTagged as: #COVID19, 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Arts & Music, Direct Experience, Hope, Humanism, Secular, Spiritual Practice
Surround yourself with skillful teachers. Let them teach you, but don't let them do it for you. That learning is yours to do.Reflection | By Karen G. Johnston | January 22, 2020 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Acceptance, Arts & Music, Beauty, Brokenness, Creativity, Direct Experience, Growth, Humanism, Prophetic Words & Deeds, Secular
May I always remember that Tango, like life, is a dance of the people. It’s meant to be shared, not practiced in isolation.Reflection | By Katie Romano Griffin | September 18, 2019 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Arts & Music, Balance, Body, Connections, Direct Experience, Family, Humanism, Multiculturalism, Playfulness, Power, Relationships, Secular
As a hospital chaplain, I often listen to painful stories. We call it compassionate presence, but I may be crying inside. When words fail, I pray and sing.Reflection | By Yuri Yamamoto | June 12, 2019 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Arts & Music, Brokenness, Challenge, Despair, Direct Experience, Faith, Fear, God, Presence, Unitarian Universalism
As flame is to spirit, so spirit is to breath, and breath to song. Though we extinguish the flame in this sanctuary, may we tend it in our hearts until we meet again.Chalice Extinguishing | By Becky Laurent | June 8, 2019 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 3rd Principle (Acceptance & Spiritual Growth), Arts & Music, Body, Humanism, Love, Music Sunday, Unitarian Universalism
See now the daybreak of our love: Through it may we be lifted, For when the nightfall closes in, May strength anew be gifted. Yes! Love endures on this good Earth. Our steadfast hope we’re bringing; We sing a truth no creed can end. How can we keep from singing? Good people gather to proclaim new...Music | By Eliot Brian Chenowith | May 8, 2019 | From WorshipWebTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Arts & Music, Covenant, Friendship, Humanism, Joy, Love, Marriage, Secular, Unitarian Universalism, Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies
It's hard to feel gratitude for something when you're focusing on what’s wrong with it.Reflection | By Kat Liu | May 1, 2019 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: Arrogance, Arts & Music, Class, Humility, Searching
Eternal Spirit, from whom all things come and to whom all things return, We gather this morning in community seeking to live in the harmony. Each of us here gathered lives out our lives knowing our own story, our own private melody. Life – at its highest and its sweetest – is a sharing. Life is...Prayer | By Douglas Taylor | December 7, 2018 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Arts & Music, Commitment, Community, Creativity, Direct Experience, Interdependence, Music Sunday, Unitarian Universalism
God is not a distant force, far away. God is in the beating of our hearts and the backbeat of a funky baseline. God is in a four-on-the-floor drum fill, and in the achy joints and sore muscles the day after.Reflection | By Alex Haider-Winnett | October 24, 2018 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Arts & Music, Awe, Body, Culture, Direct Experience, God, Immanence, Joy, Letting Go, Spiritual Practice, Young Adults
The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras taught that the universe was composed entirely of numbers, and numbers corresponded to music. So the entire universe, all of reality, including us, was composed of numbers and music. The seven planets of the ancient world each resonated a frequency outward...Meditation | By Joel Tishken | June 5, 2018 | From WorshipWebTagged as: Arts & Music, Awe, Humanism, Mystery, Science, Secular
Music is my solace and my comfort, the one thing that’s always with me. I feel its vibration deep in my soul; it’s my spiritual practice. Music tells the story of my life.Reflection | By Connie Simon | May 23, 2018 | From Braver/WiserTagged as: 4th Principle (Truth & Meaning), Arts & Music, Body, Creativity, Direct Experience, Music Sunday, Secular, Spiritual Practice
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WorshipWeb's Origin Story
Conceived in 1999, WorshipWeb was implemented in late 2000 and 2001 through funding from the Unitarian Universalist Association's successful 1997 "Handing on the Future" capital fund campaign.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association and its members in the development of WorshipWeb.