Immigrant Justice

Standing on the Side of Love for immigrant rights at a 2010 rally in San Diego.

Standing on the Side of Love for immigrant rights at a 2010 rally in San Diego, CA

Just as love knows no borders, our dedication to justice reaches across boundaries and walls. We show up on the side of love with all families, regardless of citizenship status, and strive to create welcoming communities and congregations. We organize and advocate for immigration reform, for an end to detentions and deportations, and for a world where hands are extended in peace and care across borders and no one feels forced to leave home or risk death in pursuit of a decent life for their family. We affirm immigration as a moral issue and have long spoken out in support of immigrant justice.

What We Are Doing

  • Love Resists
    The UUA-UUSC Love Resists campaign is activating and helping people resist the criminalization of immigrant and other communities targeted by the current administration by expanding sanctuary, growing solidarity and raising our voices.
  • #Not One More Deportation
  • We are partnering with Mijente, We Belong Together, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the Interfaith Immigration Coalition and others in their efforts to end deportations.
  • New Sanctuary Movement
    We are providing sanctuary to people appealing deportation orders, refugee children, and families fleeing violence. We are part of the movement to create “Sanctuary Cities” across the country that have welcoming policies towards immigrants.
  • Social Justice Trips to the U.S./Mexico Border
    The Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice offers service learning trips to the border. Journeys are grounded in theological reflection and help individuals, groups, and congregations understand the issues and discern a path toward effective action.

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Who We Partner With

Effective justice ministry depends on partnership. UU partners for immigrant justice work, beyond the Unitarian Universalist Association, include UU State Action Networks, congregation-based community organizations, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, the UU College of Social Justice, and UU Refugee and Immigrant Services and Education (UURISE), and Mijente. UUs also form interfaith and advocacy partnerships, such as with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the Interfaith Immigration Coalition, No More Deaths, and Puente Human Rights Movement.

Workshop: Immigration as a Moral Issue. Learn how UU congregations are reaching out in love and part of building the movement for migrant justice.

We Believe/We Love/We Are Rally Signs (Pack of 9)

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

Don’t leave home without our newest rally signs! Pack of nine, with three signs of each striking design. Not intended for use as yard signs as they are not waterproof.

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Love Resists continues to support the #FamiliesBelongTogether campaign lifting voices in opposition to the cruel and unjustified separation of children from their parents along the U.S. Border. We know that children as young as 18 months are being torn from their mother’s arms by the U.S. government and we join with Families Belong Together call out and resist the inhumane policies of the Trump Administration, the U.S. Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Learn More

Book Cover Detained and Deported by Margaret Regan