
Image of an open book opening into the ocean and shining sun.

We believe in the quest for truth and meaning. Reading is a key element of that quest and an individual spiritual practice. Reading gives us access to perspectives and experiences other than our own, challenges us with probing questions and ideas, provides comfort and inspiration when we're struggling, grounds transformative conversation and debate, and gives us information and tools for living more ethically, spiritually, and mindfully, both as individuals and in our faith communities. The Unitarian Universalist Association has several publishing arms, each of which feeds the soul in different ways.

Beacon Press

Beacon Press books seek to change the way readers think about fundamental issues, promoting such values as freedom of speech and thought, the importance of economic and social justice issues, religious pluralism, respect for our environment, and the importance of the arts in a civil society. Beacon has published several national bestsellers, and its books are frequently reviewed and discussed in national print and broadcast media. They are also used in university and secondary school curricula, citywide reading programs, and reading groups, and within a variety of organizational and faith-based reading programs. Beacon Press books are available wherever books are sold, including inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

Skinner House Books

Skinner House Books publishes titles directly aimed at the spiritual needs of Unitarian Universalists, seekers, and others who share the values of liberal religion. Skinner House publishes worship and church resources, books on theology and religious history, books for children and families, introductions to Unitarian Universalism, pastoral resources, and religious commentary on current issues and social justice concerns. While all Skinner House books express the Principles of Unitarian Universalism, many are distributed to the general public and accessible to people of all faiths or none. Content from Skinner House books is woven throughout Unitarian Universalist ministerial formation, preaching and worship, religious education, small group ministry, outreach, and programming at congregational and national levels. All Skinner House Books are available through inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop and many are also available wherever books are sold.

Justice and Spirit: The Unitarian Universalist Book Club

Life never stops sending new spiritual challenges our way. How do we, as individuals and communities, search for truth and meaning, strive for justice and action, navigate our spiritual journeys, and live out our values? Justice and Spirit: The Unitarian Universalist Book Club on Goodreads is a place where all who are interested in spirituality, religion, and social justice, whether Unitarian Universalist or not, can discuss books that relate to these crucial questions. We hope to foster deep, meaningful conversations and a welcoming and loving environment. All are welcome. Sponsored by Skinner House Books and Beacon Press.

Tapestry of Faith

Tapestry of Faith is the family of curricula and other faith development resources published by the UUA to inspire and support formal and informal Unitarian Universalist faith development across the lifespan. In addition to print books such as the Coming of Age Handbook for Congregations and the Toolkit book series, Tapestry of Faith encompasses a comprehensive, yet flexible, set of curricula for children and youth and an array of curricula from book discussion guides to multi-workshop, topical courses for adults, young adults, and multigenerational groups—all provided online for Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregations to download, adapt, and implement at no charge.

UU World

UU World, the magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association, celebrates liberal religion and the people it inspires. Meet extraordinary individuals, see how UU communities put their values into action, and explore the ideas and traditions that ground them. The magazine publishes news and special features each week on its website, and produces a quarterly print magazine. Members of UUA congregations receive a subscription to the quarterly magazine as a benefit of membership. Print and digital subscriptions are also available.

Other Publications

The UUA also publishes a number of congregational resources such as our primary hymnal Singing the Living Tradition , curricula like the groundbreaking Our Whole Lives sexuality education series, and pamphlets to help introduce seekers to Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values.

Class Action

By Commission On Appraisal

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

The 2017 Commission on Appraisal report looks at the cultural and structural forces that make up class and classism in our society and their impact on Unitarian Universalism.

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To Wake, To Rise Meditations on Justice and Resilience

By William G. Sinkford

From Skinner House Books

The 2017 edition of the UUA InSpirit series is an anthology of 29 poems, prayers, and reflections about resisting oppression and keeping the faith in social action work.

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UU World Spring 2017 Cover

An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States

By Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

From Beacon Press

The 2019-2020 UUA Common Read The first history of the United States told from the perspective of indigenous peoples.

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Lifting Our Voices Readings in the Living Tradition

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

More than 250 readings are newly collected here to reinvigorate and update Unitarian Universalist worship.

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FY2018 Annual Report on Giving

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