Curricula & Faith Development
Here are all the tools you need for a thriving faith development program in your congregation!
Tapestry of Faith and Our Whole Lives are the UUA's foundational curricula series from preschool to older adults.
Also explore resources for starting or maintaining Adult Faith Development Programs, training and support for Religious Education Volunteers, and providing lifespan faith development through Multigenerational Ministry.
Embodying lifespan faith development for our congregations, Tapestry of Faith is a collection of curricula and resources that nurture Unitarian Universalist identity, spiritual growth, a transforming faith, and vital communities of justice and love....
Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole...
Teaching and Facilitating The Faith Development Office provides many resources for teachers, facilitators, and religious education leaders....
Begin or Restart an Adult Faith Development Program Find helpful guidance and answers in frequently asked questions. View the webinar, Beginning or Restarting an Adult Faith Development Program. Attend the Adult Faith Development and Programming Renaissance Module when it is offered in your area.
Welcome, include, and develop as leaders people of every age: children, youth, young adults, emerging adults, middle-aged, older, and elder adults. Multigenerational ministry fosters a whole, connected faith community.
Also known as "covenant groups” and “chalice circles,” Small Group Ministry is a vital part of many Unitarian Universalist(UU) congregations. Groups of 10-12 people meet regularly, usually monthly, to reflect on and discuss significant life topics. Small groups are great places to get to know...
Theme-based ministry helps create multigenerational connections as people of all ages explore common themes in age-appropriate ways.
Thanksgiving—Not a Religious Buffet
Gail Forsyth-Vail
From Call and ResponseA couple of decades ago, many of our Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrated a Thanksgiving “seder,” a ritual patterned after the Jewish... -
Reclaiming the Heart of Humanity
Jessica York
From Call and ResponseA UU, two Hindus, and a Baha’i walk into a Christian Ethiopian restaurant. The opening line to a culturally insensitive joke? No, my last dinner at the...