Covenanting Communities

Black women raising their hands in worship

Covenanting communities are an alternative kind of Unitarian Universalist (UU) group. They claim a UU identity and advance UU values, but they look and feel different from a traditional congregation. Covenanting communities include small meeting groups, missional communities, intentional living cooperatives, national networks, and more. Recognized by the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenanting communities are helping people imagine new ways of living out their UU faith and values while staying officially connected to the wider UU family.

Download the Covenanting Communities FAQ (PDF) to learn more and then contact your regional staff if you are interested in next steps.

Application and Annual Renewal Process

Stories and Blog Posts

Emerging Ministries

Emerging ministries help UUs who have new ideas for faith communities make those ideas happen.

Emerging Ministries

Multisite Ministries

UU congregations and groups working together to share staff, resources and mission.

Multisite Ministries