Resources for Multigenerational Ministry

Multigenerational worship

Multigenerational worship at the UU Church of Kent (OH) using “fair vs equal” from Worship Web

Multigenerational Ministry

  • Intergenerational Faith Formation from Lifelong Faith Associates—LifelongFaith Associates seek to help leaders and congregations in discovering the vision of an intergenerational church and guiding them in envisioning and designing projects and initiatives to become more intentionally intergenerational in church life, ministries, and faith formation. The Intergenerational Faith website is designed to provide you with Research Reports, articles on Principles & Practices, Case Studies & Audio Interviews of Leaders, Planning Tools, and Foundational Books.
  • Generations Together Blog—Each week, we feature intergenerational program ideas that were tried and successful. This series is a tool to highlight various age-optimized programs and practices. The program descriptions are provided by representatives of the programs. Inclusion in this series does not imply Generations United’s endorsement or recommendation, but rather encourages ideas to inspire other programs.
  • Search Institute Developmental Relationships Research—The Search Institute’s newest research-to-practice initiative focuses on studying and strengthening the developmental relationships that help young people succeed. A developmental relationship helps young people attain the psychological and social skills that are essential for success in education and in life. Young people can form these relationships with their parents and family members, with their friends and peers, with staff members in their schools and programs, and with caring adults in their neighborhoods and communities.

Community Building

  • Sourcebook of Intergenerational Activities (PDF)—This downloadable sourcebook captures the best of what has been developed over the years and is rich with concrete exercises designed to break the ice and begin bringing the generations together. It’s practical and as accessible to first timers as it is to seasoned pros.
  • From the Penn State Intergenerational Program (PSIP)—Discover a collection of activities for educators, human and community service professionals, and families interested in facilitating intergenerational understanding and cooperation.
  • The Legacy Project—Relationships across generations make us feel connected. They make us feel connected not only to each other, but to something bigger—to the flow of life, to the past and to the future. In this hectic, high-tech world, we need this sense of connection.
  • Benefits of Intergenerational Play—Generations United. Play is Forever—the benefits of intergenerational play.

Faith Development/Learning

Leadership Development

Social Action




Websites and Blogs

Webinars and Workshops

Is your congregation using multigenerational ministry? How has it made a difference in your setting? How have congregants, families, or staff groups been changed through multigenerational ministry? Share your story by emailing

Creating Justice Together Service Projects for Families and Multigenerational Groups

By Susan Dana Lawrence

From inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop

This book belongs to the Tapestry of Faith Toolkit Series provided by the UUA Faith Development Office. Toolkit Books provide background knowledge, inspiration, and practical guidance to program and lead UU faith development and to help us explore and live our faith in our congregations,...

Buy This Book

Multigenerational community building is a countercultural, transformational process, presented by Rev. Jude Geiger.

Leading at the Edge By Kimberley Debus on Generational Theory Part 1

Leading at the Edge By Kimberley Debus on Generational Theory Part 2

Leading at the Edge By Kimberley Debus on Generational Theory Part 3

Leading at the Edge By Kimberley Debus on Generational Theory Part 4

Leading at the Edge By Kimberley Debus on Generational Theory Part 5